THE YORK DISPATCH, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 192G. MP pictures SV Carpenters Take Notice li'Ly Tbi-mas Snijiuy. General Man -eper of the York Manufacturing' company, and reserved by him for meetings of the Masonic order and such other a'c conventions as the Knights of Pythias. Tile second photograph contained Free To Asthma and Hay Feyer Sufferers Your tool kit is not completed without GIVEN MYSTIC LODGE automatic Chalk-Line. Sold by all Har members of the Grand lodge who attended the state sessions he-id 'here ware Dealers.
free Trial of Method That Anyone Can Use Without Discomfort Or Lost of Time havfl a method for th rnntml nt IHSm, w. i i i i i fOD f. "NIGHTS -O- PV "OSK fCoR Mount Holly; John Fielding. Pittsburgh. It is a 1 act that Mr.
Fielding is one or the oldest active members in the organization, having been initlaied in 1S63. In makinjr the presentation address Ieroy Huber said In part: "The Grand Lodge Knights of Pythia. Domain of Pennsylvania, has held sessions our beautiful White Rose City in 1S73, 1894. 1S04 and 1926. The archives of Myrtle Lode N'o.
21. is replete with all data in connection with the 1926 convention. It was the thoug-ht of the local committee in charge of the entetarinment of the Grand body that these photo-grarphs should be preserved as a matter of record. But more than simply a record of passing events; they should be. and unquestionably will be an inspiration to every Pythian who enters this castle hall.
Some of P'rintyivarii. Kr.igius of Py hi.i,. in wVtrjt I 54. i ro 5 Mystic No 21. lit in Hthuire 'hr' j'ic'tirc.
are mcJcsed In a '-iid of frame, and is she jif? al A. B. iless, thai-. wn for. the 1926 Grind lodge Pennsylvania which c--hvn! Tork in August The f-ch was made by 'K' of Record and Peal Lf-roy Huber and behalf lodjc by Trustee George J.
Roe- 'The one jmotojrrarh consists of than 5o0 oflk-ers i and grand representative attended the ae evn vent ion' here last August, i pU-ture was taken in front of the fi'-avHi street: hall, recently rcmodel- I ni3 wni you to try It at our expend. No ANY UFHOLoTERED PIECE MADE TO neinrr your rM Is of loa stunning or dflopmit, whether tt as Chronic Asthma or Hay r'eror, you srtould wnd fctde Jill rde- The otter photograph and the one highly prized in Pythian circles is of a group of Pythians who were' present at the sesicns held here in 1834, just 32 years ago. The men shown are William C. Hess N'ew Castle; Calvin Tosmlinson, Newton; Henry W. Fox.
grand master of the exchequer, Johnstown: Samuel Pyfer, grand trustee, Philadelphia; W. S. Diehm. Lititz; Lemuel Wilt, grand keeper of records and seal. PhiiaGeiphla; James YOUK ORDEJ i rial oi our nftlimi.
No matter" In wnat eitmata yoa liw, no vhat yonr OF OTHER. LODGES The following are the officers of the Allied commanderles who will attend the meering: Commander Fred C. Linn, Harrisburg; senior vice Major Harry A. Ilgen-fritz. York; junior vice commander, H.
H. Shenk, Lancaster; recorder, J. Elmer Laxidis, York; receiver. C. C.
Killhefer, Lemoyne; chaplain. W. V. Sanderson. Carlisle; orderly, William H.
Long, Hanover; guard, John F. May, Lancaster; picket. Charles F. Pomraning, York. The last meeting of the association was held with York commandery.
No. 54, Saturday evening. April 3, in Odd Fellows hall. King and George streets-Plan Joint Initiation! One application for membership was received at a brief meeting of Court Custer, No. 236, Federated Freemen of America, held last night in tbe G.
A. R. hall, 115 South Duke street. Chief Ranger George Barnhart presided. The membership committee reported on the October class to be held jointly by Court West York.
Court North York, Court York and Count Custer, at West York. The following is the committee: Daniel W. Nickey, H. H. Swords and Christ Troutwine.
A smoker was held following the meeting which was well attended. To Meet With York Council Wa win build It for yon from ye old or maka tt entirety new. full ovr-tiiCd armchair, uptst occupation, lr you are troubi-xt fltb Asthm or Hay Ferar, our incthl kt.ould re-Hera you promptly. Wa apclally want to 31 ft f- ihOM apparently hnpetoss raw, -tier forma ot inhalers, douches, epic a preparations jm, "patent smokes, tc, haya failed. want to ehow everyone at oor eone.
method covered, or veioar A tbaa Steese, supreme representative, would pay for one reaoy nM. ij designed to end aU difl-i Ireathlns, all tcvers a t.ecuJty. J. D. WELSH ana an toot terrible paroxysms.
-This free offer Is tto Important to nealert a single day. Write now beirTn the rrethnd at irfi. Send no money nail toupon Do It Today you area do not. pay REAR 125 NORTH GEORGE 31 these veteran Pythians have grown old in the service, and as we recount their deeds of mercy, charity and sympathetic encouragement in the work of u-pbuilding numanity, let us resolve that hencefortn we will walk circ*mspectly before God and man watchful cm every aide, giving a smile, an encouraging word and uplifting wherein our brother may have fallen or raising mm to loftier achievements fhan we ourselves have DIAL 38113 I i 111 FREE COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA Room 290-B Niagara ajid Hudson Sta. Buffalo, N.
Y. Send free trial of your method toty NEW BOZO W. H. Keesey presided at a meeting of York council, No. 505, Junior Order United American Me attained.
May the presence OI tnis photograph be truly helpful to each nna nf 11 a It ta Ttstinct on behalf of the committee, to prese-nt I XT js-Xr iter Tan Black Leath er Heels Balloon Last. tills pooEograpn 10 niysuic irogc iw. 21, Knights of Pythias, Domain of Pennsylvania. In accepting the pictures Trustee Raeder stated that he is not accepting the picture for Mystic lodge alone, but for every member of the order in the city ajd county who contributed toward the success of the convention held about six weeks chanics, held last night in the Jr. O.
U. A. M. hall, third floor of the La-fean building, 8 West Market street-M. D.
Arbegast, representative from the council to the annual Btate convention of the order, being held this week at Philadelphia, is attending the convention and will make his report next Thursday evening. Addresses under the good of the order were made by B. Hantz, W. H. Keesey, A.
W. Hauer and Martin Hauer. The members are arranging for the October meeting of the County association, Jr. O. U.
A. M. of York and York county, to be held with York council. The principal speaker the evening will be the Rev. C.
C. Snavely, pastor of Ridge Avenue Methodist Episcopal church. The entertainment committee is arranging i a program. The meeting was well Daughters Of America Meet Minnie Joseph was installed" into the office of associate vice councillor at a mooting of Iowa council. No.
26, Daughters of America, held last night in Red Men's hall. Queen and Philadelphia streets. Past State Councillor Lottie Myers installed Mrs. Joseph into office. Councillor Ethel Hess presided, Mary Givens, representative from the council, with Past State Councillor Anna Snyder, also a member of the local council, are attending Great council lft3 Girard avenue, Philadelphia, MY.
Slaughenhaupt made a report of the meeting. Addresses under the good of tha order were made by William Sheriff. Guy Berkstresser, C. M. Sprenkle, James Paul Genbe and C.
W. Benner. The members are arranging to take part In the annual Halloween parade, to be Iheld in this St-urday evening, Oct 30. The following committee is in charg-a of arrangements: Guy Eerkstresser, C. E.
Benedict, Clarence R. Druck, A. S. Freed and Harry. L.
Slaughenhaupt. A large attendance was at the meeting. Lady Beavers To Convene The semi-monthly meeting of York lodge. No. J70.
Ladles of the Fraternal Order of Reavers, will be held this evening In the lodge room of the Labor temple. 130 South Beaver street. The auditing cAtmittee will make Its report. The committee met b.t the home of Lorraine Bollinger, 35 Soubh Queen street, last night, when, the books were audited. The following is the committee: Lucretia Clay-man.
Edna Stauffer and Beulah Ganoe. Auditors To Meet Tonight The auditing commute from Harka council. No. 285, Degree of Pocahontas, will meet this evening at the hOTBft of Film he-th rtrravKni A71 "a "Sn fig II Men! You Can Safely" Fall" for Empire Fall Oxfords Special at $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 One look at these custom built oxfords at these low prices -will convince you they're the best shoe-buy in town whether you have tender Jeet, or a tciider" exchequer or both- Come In and pick your 'pair early. r' EMPIRE SHOE STORE The committee In charge of arrangements for the convention eluded members of Mystic lodge, of this city, while members of the lodges in rural York county assisted the committee.
Mystic was-known as the host lodge to the convention. A. B. Hess was chairman. The second degree or rank of Esquire was conferred upon one candidate.
Degree Master Jesse Elickor, Chancellor Commander Clair Ehr-hart, Vice Commander, George Martin, Prelate Jesse Elicker and Master at Arms George Roeder, was the degree team in charge of the initiation. Paul Shaffer, past commander, was elected to the office of trustee. One application for membership was received. Addresses under, the good of the order were made by Charles L. Green.
Leroy Huber, Paul L. Shaffer, Edward A. Hess. George J. Roeder and Jesse Elicker.
More than 25 members attended. P. O. S. of A.
Initiate 14 The degree team from Washington camp, Xo. 513, Pleasureville, K. E. Snyder, degree master, conferred the degree upon a class of 14 candidates at a meeting held last night in the P. O.
S. of A. hall, third floor of the York County National Bank 1 1 the annual state convention or tne order at orris town. The represen I tative will make her report next 107 N. George Street A Baby; in the Home NO KING on his golden throne demands and receives more homage from his willing- subjects than a baby in the home.
The smallest member of the family requires a great deal of attention. jSometimes, in caring for her child, a mother overtaxes her own strength, i Particularly when there are other children ta work for, she must learn to preserve her. health. Then her home becomes a place of order and happiness. She finds time play with Her children and the whole family enjoys the dimnled babv as he grows from day to day.
Thursday evening. Addresses under the good of the order were made by Lottie Hayes, Lora Charles Mellon, Minnie Joseph and Emma Latoer. The meeting was well attended. Woodmen Amend Bylaws SAT, 10 P. M.
EVENINGS CPE? EN More than 40 member attended a meeting of Linden camp. JNO. owo, Modern Woodmen of America, held i I ill! 1 I West Jackson street, when the books of the council will be The committee will make its report next Tuesday evening. The following Is the committee: Evelyn McCommons, Carrie Farman and Elizabeth Gray bill. District Deputy Great Pocahontas Minnie Joseph, organizer of the council, will Install the 'officers for the council next Tuesday evening.
All members are requested to attend. L. G. E. To Move, Monday Yorktowne temnle.
Tto. 25 Tjifee last night in the lodge room of the Labor temple, 130 South Beaver street. Consul George i A. Smyser New Records' Many young mothers have learned that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable; Compound helps them to find the strength they need.
of the Golden organized sev-earl months ago, and meeting Wed-nesdav evening in the Inri! mnm cisiy of the Polack building, will change presided. The third and final reading of the amendments' to the bylaws took place, and they were adopted by a majority vote. The bylaw committee, L. A. Sheaffer, E.
Stein and N. Stauffcr, was instructed to (have copies printed and mailed to each member of the camp. Addresses under the good of the order were made by J. S. Anders, L.
F. Moul, W. S. Becker and Ray C. Steele.
A smoker was held at the close of the business session. Red Men Elect Officers Th semi-annual election of offi us piace or meeting to the lodge room of the G. A. halt "Rrtivt Duke street. The ren-n -nTe -urtll Now our store you my hear th emost recent music! iiii! i i i the first and third Monday's of each month, the first meeting to be held successes every week.
All these records are by the new electric! nexx ivionaay evening. Noble Tem-Tlar Anna fllarl'felrer nm recording method (musical photography) The quality of tt music will amaze you. Before tier marriage, Mrs. R. N.
Frankum of .3947 Gold Omaha, was a working girl. Like many girls, she sometimes had to stay at home from her work. A friend told her of Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and she found that it relieved her trouble. She was in good health uritil her second baby came.
"I began to take the Vegetable Compound again," she writes, "and was soon able to do my housework. Now I can say I never felt better in my life. Women ask what I have been doing and I tell them about your medicine. I feel that I owe a lot to it," stalled into that office last Wednes cers took place at a meeting of day evening, will preside. building, 15 East Market street.
The Pleasureville camp degree team made the trip in automobiles, bringing with them their degree costumes and paraphernalia. Past President James Nelson nresided during the lnieia-tion, and President Carville Dfemunitt during the business session. County President William L. Yin-ger, a member of Camp 510, North York, was present at the meeting, witnessed the conferring of th degree and addressed the menrfcers. Other visitors and county officers who were present were District President D.
C. Worley, a-member of Camp 655, York; County Master of Forms J. Harold Barnhart, a member of Camp 309, and William Geescy, a member of the at Columbin. Addresses under the good of the order were made by AVllliam Yinger, J. Harold Barnhart, K.
E. Snyder, Paul Bixler, D. C. Worley, Spangler Klinedinst, Edward Warner, David L. Hoke and Earnest Shelly.
The following is the degree team from Camp 513, Pleasureville: De-n-w captain, KK. E. Snyder; president, C. C. Innerst; vice-president, i organ Innerst; master of forms, J.
M. Ennerst; post president, N. O. Snyder; chaplain, S. F.
Hess; conductor, E. Snyder; inspector. Franklin Stevenson; guard, Robert Stevenson; sentinels, Clair Innerst, Charles Billett. Paul Lechrone, Allen Lechrone, David Hess and Walter Lecrone. The degree team is said to be one of the best equipped degree te-am of any camp in the county.
The team will initiate for a number of ramps In the county. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting by the folowing committee; Earnest Shelly. Edward Warner and David L. Hoke. More than 50 members attended.
Jewel For Geo. Rohrbach A past commanders' jewel was presented to Retiring Sir Knight rVimmander O-eorsre Rohrfbach. bv the Harka tribe, No. 513. Improved Order of Red Men.
held last night in the wigwam, fourth floor of the Po-lack building. East Market street. Paul Genbe was elected to the office of sashem, to succeed Clarence R. Druck. The officers were elected as follows: Prophet, Clarence Druck; sachem, Paul senior sagamore, C.
W. Benner; trustee, William Sheriff District Deputy Great Sa Come In And Hear These Columbia Records 7Bc BEWARE THE COUGH OR COLD THAT HANGS' ON chem William H. Stare, a member Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Baby Face Why Do You Want To Know Why Fox tw of Susquehannock tribe, No. 4zo, York Haven, will Install the officers of the tribe at a meeting on Thursday evening, Oct.
14. The auditing committee was ap i mm Fox Trj pointed and instructed to audit the books of the tribe and nave tne report ready for next Thursday evening. The following Is the committee: Harry L. Slaugihenhaupt; C. W.
Benner and Paul Genbe. Guy Berk- Fox Trj 696D 75c 708D 75c 701D 75c 71 6D 75c 715D 75c 709D 75c Someone Is Losm Susan Who Wouldn't Ilere I Am The Birth of The Blues Hello Baby While The Years Go Drifting By Crvin' For The Moon While The Years Go Drifting By Do You Believe In Dreams Hard To Get Gertie Fox Tr etresser and C. M. Sprenkle, cap su ELF TO HEALTH tains of the two teams in charge of the membership campaign reported Voc The members are arranging for "a class initiation next month. A death benefit was granted and order paid to the Rev.
Dr. H. H. Weber, whose wife, died last week after an illness of several months. The Rev.
Dr. Weber Is a charter Fox Tri memfbers of Noble commandery, No. jvnigncs or iviaita. ax. a meexmg held last night in the lodge room, otrvnt floor -of the Malta Temnle.
232 Persistent coughs and colds lead to serious trouble. You can stop them now with Creomulsion, an emulsified cresote that is pleasant to take. Creomulsion is a new medical discovery with two-fold action; it soothes and heals the inflamed membranes and inhibits germ growth. Of all known drugs, creosote Is recognized by high medical authori- ties as one of the greatest healing agencies for persistent coughs and colds and other forms of throat troubles. Creomulsion contains, in addition to creosote, other healing elements which soothe and heal the infected membranes and etop the irritation and inflammation, while the creosote goes on to the stomach, lis absorbed into the blood, attacks the seat of the trouble and checks the growth of the germs.
Creomulsion is guaranteed satisfactory in the treatment of persistent coughs and colds, bronchial asthma, bronchitis and other forms of respiratory diseases, and is excellent for building up the system after colds or flu. Money refunded if any cough or cold is not relieved after taking according to directions. Ask your druggist, (Adv). member of Harka tribe. Past Sachem East Market street.
The jewel was Harry L. Slaughenhaupt. a member presenter to Mr. itonrDaon ior xne faithful services rendered the com-ma rl nAita e-nin e- through the Brunswick Records 75c Kentucky Lullaby Fraid of Dreams Would Ja? of the judiciary committee of the Great Council of Pennsylvania, attended a committee meeting hld last Saturday at ths headquarters of the Wal chairs. The presentation speech was maae oy fasr wnnmanaer j.
nenry Mailer, in tne aosence on air jjiignx Commander Howard D. Werner, Generalissimo Clarence Koland presided. Fox TW New York Piano Ain't We Carryin On For My Sweetheart Precious charge of the membership campaign Fox Tr Co. Organ 3272 75c 3280 75c 3263 tc 3271 75c 3204 75c 3237 75c Calling Me Home Someone Is Los in' lox Tri Susan being conducted Dy xjie cwrananuerj, made their reports. The Red team, Lester Livingston, captain, is leading the Black team.
George Rohrbafh, captain, by a small margin. The Malta degree will be conferred upon a class of candidates at the meeting Sole Agents for Lame Muscles orn and weary but not from work Fox Tr Thursday evening, ucx. ana me Black degree, Thursday evening, Oct. 91 a was made by a num Three-Thirty Blues Tell Me You Love Me How Many Times Leave Me Something To Remember, Regal Records 39c O-Keh and Odeon Records Phonograph Repairing Our Specialty Fox TW ber of members who motored to Del ta last Saturday afternoon, wnere they participated in the Malta pa Rub It In Tube 60 Cents At Lowest 'Prices o.l-tf Uaia7- rade. The meeuni was weu aueuu-ed.
Mystle Chain Knights Two applications for membership were received at a meeting of York castle, No. 34. Knights of the Mystic Chain, held last nigtit In the lodge mum ft-mrh floor of the ePterman 8119 There's A New Star In Heaven Rudolph Valentir! EPSOM SALTS HERSHEY'S Store OPP. FARMERS' MARKET 3 STORES 39c California Chimes Voc 8089 Deep Henderson building, North George street- Com 39c Jackass Blues Fox Tri mander James uoeroiCK presaaeo. The members are arranging to confer the three degrees of the order upon a class of candidates next month.
A ftf thfc ilearre team will LIKE 8106 That's Annabelle 39c" Lookins At The World Tliru Rose Colored changed. It remains a bulk food, as doctors call it. Because of its bulk it sweeps, cleans and purifies the intestine. If eaten regularly, Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is guaranteed to bring permanent relief, or your grocer will refund the purchase price. Eat two tablespoonfuls daily in chronic cases, with Its delightful nutty-flavor makes it good as a cereal.
Serve with milk or cream alone or with fresh or preserved fruit; with other cereals; use in soups, cook in hot cereals, or in the recipes given on every package. Beware of a part-bran product Only ALL-BRAN brings sure results. A product which is only part bran can bring, at best, only partial Often none at all. Kellogg's ALL-BRAN is the original ALL-BRAN a 100 bran product. That is why doctors recommend it.
Your grocer sells it: Get a package today. Also served in all hotels and restaurants. Mad by Kellogg in Battle Creek, Michigan ONLY a few mofTth? ago he was feeling fine. A fulr desk meant nothing more than a full dav a challenge which he eagerly accepted. Life was worth living; then.
But now now he seemed eternally tired, lifeless, exhausted. His; head was dull and achy. Work was a frightful bore. Life was barren of interest Where would it all end? In the work-a-day world there are thousands of men and women who suffer from constipation. They try this and that, forever seeking relief and seldom finding it.
Yet there is sure, permanent? relief from this insidious disease Kellogg's ALL-BRAN. 'i Kellogg' ALL-BRAN is a safe, natural way of relieving constipation. 5 It will drive the sluggishness out of the, system and restore that vivid vitality sonecessary to perfect health. It will do these things because it is ALL BRAN and npt part bran. As Kellogg's ALL-BRAN journeys through the system its fiber remains un be held at the meeting next Thurs Glasses Fox Trj a rr i day evening.
Degree Master iarvey C. Gibbons will be In charge. Ad-the eood of the Lorder were made by H. C. Piffer, 'L.
S. oiu- vmspenng irees 39c Thmkins Waf Made Pleasant with Grape and Lemon Acids FOR REAL VALUE Com to ths L-P STORE FOR LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. 8107 Ble Too 39c Everybody's Got A Girl But Me Fox Tr 8116 Out In The New 31 own Hay 6vc Ihen 1 roreot, Vo We Repair all Standard Makes of Phonographs and Radio Sets Underpriced Clothing Stor 209 W. Market St. Underpriced Shoe Store Cor.
George and Princes Stt. a4-U i i -i 'fej 1 loSle fe. I I ti KOtYtrCDHSTlPATlOM Smith, F. M. Spangier, xiaryry Gibbons, Charles Helzer and George Harrigle.
The members are arranging to attend the monthly meeting of the Paat Commanders association to be -held the latter part of next month with the castle at Harney, Md. The meermg was well attended. To Meet In Hanover The semi-annual meeting of the Allied commanderles' association of York and adjacent counties, patriotic Order Sons of America, will be held tomorrow evening with Paul E. Lau commandery, Hanover. Final arrangements for the meeting will be made by the members of York commandery, No.
54, this evening in the P. O. S. of A. hall.
The members of the local commandery will make the trip In automobiles, wearing their Uniforms. The association Is made up of oommanderies from York, Lancaster, Harrisburg. Hanover. Le-moyne and Carlisle. Commander Fred C.
Linn, Harrisburg. will preside at the meeting. Ths following Commandery General officers will be present and be the speakers of the evening. W. A.
Tenney. West Fairvlew, commander-in-chief; Charles Davis. Philadelphia, recorder in chief; Frank S. Cornell, Haddonfleld-N. senior vic commander in chief; William H.
Keefe. Darey,) Pa Junior commander f0c Visit Our Exhibit at the York Fair October 4th to 9th See the largest exclusive display of Phonographs and Radios. JsTew models, showing all the latest improvements. mm ALL-BRAN 9A At Your Service THIS COMPANY AIMS TO GIVE 100 SERVICE BY BE ING ALWAYS ON THE JOB. PENNA.
GAS ELECTRIC CO. DIAL. 2387 i Thelfegtil Company lVsr Mmbkzt Stbixt ALL-BRAN Jl tablespoonful of "Epsonade Raits" in a glass of cold water the next time you feel constipated, blUous or headachy will give you all ths perfect action on the bowels of a dose of plain Epsom Salts but without the awful taste and Taken before any meal, it acts in an hour. Ask for "Epsonade Salts" which costs only a few cents a package at any drugstore. Even children gladly take this wonderful discovery of The American Epsom Assn.
Advt. jf 1 1 Ths original ALL-BRAN redy-to-cal in enter. I.