Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (2024)

Jennifer Seif

Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

  • Report this post recent article highlights the growth and potential of South-South giving and the possibility of - I hope in my lifetime - reduced dependence on giving by the Global North. In Africa, private philanthropy is growing on the continent. There is a growing focus on community-centric fundraising, trust-based philanthropy, and leveraging technology such as AI to enhance donor engagement and impact measurement. Additionally, there is an emphasis on collaboration among philanthropists, NGOs, and local communities to address systemic issues and drive transformative change across the continent, according to the African Philanthropy Forum.In terms of High Net Worth Giving (HNWG), Africa is home to approximately 165,000 high net worth individuals who collectively hold over $660 billion in wealth. This burgeoning wealth has led to a more formalized and strategic approach to philanthropy across the continent. High-profile philanthropists like Aliko Dangote, Mo Ibrahim, and Patrice Motsepe are channeling substantial portions of their wealth into charitable causes, establishing new foundations, and focusing on areas such as health, education, and disaster relief. For instance, the Dangote Foundation, known for its extensive work in these fields, exemplifies this trend of strategic giving aimed at creating long-term societal impact, according to The Bridgespan Group and The Global Thinkers Forum. Make a Difference: Be part of the change you want to see in Africa. Whether through donations or advocacy, your support can help address systemic issues and create sustainable solutions. #SupportPhilanthropy #ChangeMakers#ipasa

Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its potential? - Alliance magazine


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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    You might be wasting your time with smaller grant applications.As a nonprofit founder, you might be tempted to send out grant applications as quickly as possible to as many donors as possible.The key to success is working smarter. Be strategic:✅ Ensure that your pitch deck is in place.✅ Spend time finding the right donors.✅ Don’t be scared to go for the larger grants.If you are looking for a partner in change and want to work smarter not harder, I would love to help.#fundingexpert #nonprofitfunding #funding101

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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

    I'm passionate about leadership, and the impact it has on the nonprofit sphere.When it comes to leadership I thoroughly enjoy Simon Sinek's books. Here are some key leadership tips I picked up:1. Start with Why:Define Your Purpose: One of the biggest takeaways is the importance of clearly articulating why your organization exists. Having a compelling "why" really inspires and unites the team.2. Put People First:Prioritize Well-being: In "Leaders Eat Last," Sinek emphasizes making sure your team feels safe and valued. Creating a supportive environment is key.Build Trust: Building trust through transparency and empathy is foundational. When your team trusts you, everything runs smoother.3. Practice Empathetic Leadership:Understand and Connect: Genuine care for your team’s personal and professional lives makes a huge difference. Empathy really strengthens those working relationships.Support Growth: Encourage and support your team’s development. Investing in their growth not only helps them but also benefits the organization.4. Embrace an Infinite Mindset:Think Long-Term: In "The Infinite Game," Sinek talks about focusing on long-term success rather than just quick wins. It’s about sustainability and resilience.Adapt and Evolve: Being adaptable and always looking for ways to improve is essential.5. Lead by Example:Demonstrate Integrity: Acting with integrity and authenticity is so important. When you lead by example, it sets the standard for everyone.Show Humility: It’s okay to admit mistakes and be open to feedback. Humility fosters a culture of learning and growth.6. Create a Circle of Safety:Build a Supportive Culture: Establishing a culture where people feel safe to take risks and express ideas without fear is crucial.Encourage Collaboration: Promoting teamwork and cooperation over competition within the organization really pays off.7. Inspire Action:Motivate through Inspiration: Rather than relying on authority or incentives, inspire your team by connecting their work to the larger purpose of the organisation.Empower Others: Trusting your team to take initiative and make decisions boosts engagement and ownership.Have you implemented any of Simon's teachings as a leader?

    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (10)


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

    • Report this post you know that Black women lead 60% of Black nonprofits in the U.S.? Despite their significant contributions, they continue to face systemic biases that hinder their progress. Here's a closer look at the challenges they face and the need for greater support:1. Wage Gaps and Funding Inequities: Black women in leadership roles often encounter wage gaps due to sexism and racial discrimination, resulting in nearly $1 million in lost earnings over their careers. Additionally, Black-led nonprofits receive significantly less funding compared to their white-led counterparts, creating barriers to growth and sustainability.2. Lack of Professional Development Opportunities: Many Black women leaders lack access to essential professional development and skill-building opportunities. This limitation restricts their ability to expand their services and develop their leadership potential.3. Financial Instability: Financial constraints force many leaders to supplement their nonprofit income with additional jobs, which detracts from their ability to focus solely on their organization's mission and growth.Sound familiar to those of us in South Africa?Let's work together to break down these barriers and support Black women leaders in the nonprofit sector. Increased funding, professional development opportunities, and systemic changes are crucial to ensuring their success and the continued positive impact of their organizations. Share this post to raise awareness and advocate for equity in the nonprofit world.#BlackWomenLead #NonprofitLeadership #EquityInNonprofits #SupportBlackNonprofits

    Largest, searchable database of Black-founded nonprofits | Giving Gap


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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    Today, we honour the legacy of Nelson Mandela, a visionary leader who believed in the transformative power of education.One of the ways we can build on the foundation that he built is by implementing programmes that deliver on Sustainable Development Goal No. 4 - Quality Education. While South Africa has made good strides towards making education at all levels more accessible. The problem now is that the system is not gearing young people for success when they exit the system.Children are not learning to read and grasp numbers in the early grades; drop off rates are high and the vast majority of young people leave the system without the knowledge, skills, social capital and other resources they need to secure meaningful economic activity.Shout out to our clients The JumpStart Foundation, The Reach Trust, The Wot-If? Trust, Partners for Possibility and Teach The Nation who intervene in different ways to advance quality education for all.

    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (17)


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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    Ever get that sinking feeling when a brilliant nonprofit idea never leaves the ground? It's a common occurrence, and the culprit often boils down to a frustrating chicken-egg scenario: funding.Here's the crux of the issue:Nonprofits Need Funding to Launch: Securing funds allows you to hire talent, develop programs, and establish infrastructure – all crucial for effective operation.Funders Want a Track Record: Donors and grantors typically invest in established organizations with a track record of success. They need to see a clear plan and evidence of impact. This Catch-22 can be incredibly disheartening. Here are some ways to break the cycle:✅ Focus on Validation, Not Just Fundraising: Before diving headfirst into fundraising, validate your concept. Conduct needs assessments, gather community input, and build a lean business plan. This shows potential funders you've done your homework and have a viable solution.✅ Start Small: Don't be afraid to begin with a pilot program or limited service offering. Demonstrate your impact with smaller projects to build a foundation for future growth and attract larger grants.✅ Consider a Fiscal Sponsor. These are organisations who will submit applications and manage grant funds on your behalf, for a fee. This space is especially well developed in the American market however funders like the #MastercardFoundation are building this space in Africa.By being strategic and resourceful, you can overcome the funding hurdle and turn your impactful idea into a thriving nonprofit.Remember, passion is the fuel, but preparation is the launchpad.#Nonprofit #LaunchStrategy #FundingSolutions#mastercardfoundationfiscalsponsors#africanfiscalsponsorsDavid Barnard

    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (22)


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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    You might have heard the saying if you confuse you lose and this is especially true when it comes to fundraising.If you have submitted countless pitch decks and they aren’t landing here are some of the top things to consider:1️⃣ Do you have all of your foundational elements in order? e.g. Your mission statement.2️⃣ Is the data that you are including relevant to that specific donor? Remember that you shouldn’t have a one size fit all approach.3️⃣ You don’t have all the relevant documents included in your pitch deck.4️⃣ You are not speaking about the specific things that the donor cares about.Have a question about the topic? Pop it into the comments.#proposalwriting #donoraquisition #fundraising101

    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (26)
    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (27)
    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (28)
    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (29)
    • Jennifer Seif on LinkedIn: Philanthropy in the Global South is coming of age. Can it fulfil its… (30)



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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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    Proposal Power: Why Teamwork Works For many non-profit heroes, proposal writing can feel like a solitary struggle. Hunched over keyboards, fueled by coffee and desperation, the pressure to secure funding can be immense 😧 But what if I told you there's a better way?Enter the power of the proposal writing team! Here are 3 reasons why ditching the solo act for a collaborative approach can transform your fundraising success:🛫 Synergy of Strengths: Every team member brings unique skills and expertise to the table. The program expert crafts the impact narrative, the data whiz strengthens your outcomes, and the wordsmith polishes your prose. This synergy creates a well-rounded, compelling proposal that resonates with funders.🛫 Creative Spark: Brainstorming with a team ignites a fire of creativity. Diverse perspectives lead to fresh ideas, uncovering new angles and strengthening your argument. This collaborative approach can lead to a proposal that stands out from the crowd.🛫 Shared Accountability and Moral Support: Writing proposals can be daunting. A team provides a support system, keeping you motivated and on track. Deadlines become shared goals, and challenges are tackled together. This sense of accountability and camaraderie can make the entire process less stressful and more productive. When I convene writing teams within my non-profit clients, proposal writing can even be FUN 😊 So ditch the solo act and DM me if you need support to secure the funding your non-profit needs to thrive.#nonprofitsuccess#nonprofitfunding#proposalwritingcanbefun


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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

    • Report this post admit, I was skeptical. I watched it nonetheless and WOW, @joedispenza is powerful.I suffer from chronic pain, which can be corrosive and affects mood . I have been practicing emotional regulation for the past 2 years, using learnings and prompts from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT).Similarly, The Source says that "emotions are energy in motion". They shape our experience and biology." He says that science can empower us to a greater level of awareness, where we are able to regulate our emotional states and consciously choose elevated emotions like gratitude, love, and joy, we can transform our energy and our lives.This is how I practice abundance every day - despite the pain.Observe and Name my emotions.Check the Facts.And re-frame.It's magic.#thesource#DBT#gratitude

    Source – It's Within You
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  • Jennifer Seif

    Founder & NPO Guru | Helping Visionary Non-Profits in the Educational, Environmental and Socio-Economic, sectors to get funded and thrive | Secured over 25 million dollars in funding | 35+ years of experience

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Author: Van Hayes

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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

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Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.