36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (2024)

The top stops along the way from Diamante to Salerno (with short detours) are Statue of Christ the Redeemer, Cathedral of Santa Maria degli Angeli, San Matteo and San Gregorio VII, and Certosa of Saint Lawrence. Other popular stops include Lao Rafting, Villa Comunale di Salerno, and Volo dell'Angelo - Biglietteria di Castelmezzano.


Church of Saint Mary of Consolation

Catholic church

Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

Truly beautiful. When in Calabria altomonte is a must see

Enrico M — Google review

Beautiful and rare sample of Gothic architecture in Southern Italy

E P — Google review

(Translated by Google) The most important church in the town, where it can be found, in the largest square in the town!!Of Gothic style with Roman traits, imposing in its view from the outside, sober interior, very beautiful Gothic/Roman style rose window.The adjoining cloister and museum are also worth visiting.(Original)La chiesa più importante del paese, dove si può trovare, nella piazza più grande del paese!!Di stile gotico a tratti romano, imponente nella sua visione dall'esterno, sobrio l'interno, molto bello il rosone stile gotico/romano.Da visitare anche il chiostro annesso ed il museo.

Francesco M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Gothic-Angevin style church with Franco-Sienese influences built between 1342-1345 by Siniscalco di Provenza, Count of Altomonte, on the foundations of the pre-existing Norman basilica S. Maria de' Franchis.The façade is characterized by a radial rose window, a large portal with a vegetal motif and a bell tower with a mullioned window.Inside there is a marble sarcophagus by the Sienese Tino da Camaino.(Original)Chiesa in stile gotico-angioino con influssi franco-senesi edificata tra il 1342-1345 da Siniscalco di Provenza Conte di Altomonte, sulle fondamenta della preesistente basilica normanna S. Maria de' Franchis.La facciata è caratterizzata da unrosone a raggiera, unampioportale con motivo vegetale e una torre campanariacon bifora.All'interno è presente un sarcofa*go in marmo opera del senese Tino da Camaino.

Simone I — Google review

(Translated by Google) Razzetti Room, paintings very similar to those present in the Church of Gesù Buon Pastore in Diamante(Original)Sala Razzetti, dipinti molto simili a quelli presenti nella Chiesa Gesù Buon Pastore di Diamante

Mirta B — Google review

(Translated by Google) Angevin style church overlooking the main square of the historic center of Altomonte. The interior is a little bare but with interesting works.In the adjacent civic museum, in addition to admiring a beautiful cloister, you can also see a work by Simone Martini. And don't miss a walk through the streets of the historic center.@iviaggidiema(Original)Chiesa in stile angioino che si affaccia sulla piazza principale del centro storico di Altomonte. L’interno un po’ spoglio ma con opere interessanti.Nel museo civico adiacente, oltre ad ammirare un bellissimo chiostro, potrete vedere anche un’opera di Simone Martini. E non perdetevi una passeggiata per le viuzze del centro storico.@iviaggidiema

Iviaggidiema O — Google review

(Translated by Google) Altomonte (CS).A nice walk in the historic center, up to the Church of S. Maria della Consolazione and the nearby square of the Hotel Barbieri. From the top of the town, a view of the two seas, the Ionian beyond the Sibari plain and, on clear days, also the Tyrrhenian Sea.From May to September, it is the land of celebrations which are truly numerous. Check out the programs if you are in the area during this time.The photos are on the occasion of the bread festival in mid-September.(Original)Altomonte (CS).Una bella passeggiata nel centro storico, fino alla Chiesa di S. Maria della Consolazione e alla vicina piazzetta dell'Hotel Barbieri. Dall'alto del paese, vista sui due mari, lo Jonio oltre la piana di Sibari e, nelle giornate limpide, anche il Tirreno.Da maggio a settembre, è il paese delle feste che sono davvero numerose. Date un'occhiata ai programmi se siete in zona in questo periodo.Le foto sono in occasione della festa del pane a metà settembre.

Giuseppe R — Google review

(Translated by Google) The 14th century church is a fine example of Angevin architecture, a very refined Gothic style. In the 15th century the Dominican fathers took charge of this beautiful ensemble formed by the church and the convent. The Dominicans were preaching fathers. Their convents were always located within towns. A beautiful ensemble of which Altomonte can be proud.(Original)L'église du 14ème siècle est un bel exemple de l'architecture angevine, un gothique très épuré. Au 15ème siècle Les pères Dominicains prirent en main ce bel ensemble formé par l'église et le couvent. Les Dominicains étaient des pères prêcheurs. Leur couvent se situaient toujours au sein des villes. Un bel ensemble dont Altomonte peut s'enorgueillir.

Ginou H — Google review

(Translated by Google) The church of S. Maria della Consolazione in Altomonte is a typical example of Angevin art, developed in southern Italy between the 13th and 14th centuries, whose roots are to be found in the French region of Provence. Its construction dates back to around 1336, at the behest of Filippo Sangineto, first count of Altomonte. Presumably completed in 1380, in 1443 it was granted to the Dominican Order, who founded their monastery there. The annexed Convent, commissioned by Cobella Ruffo Sanseverino, in the meantime enriched with a new two-storey building with a cloister, thus became a leading center of theological and scientific studies in southern Italy. Among its "guests", Tommaso Campanella deserves a special mention, who right here, around 1589, wrote his famous work Philosophia sensibus demonstrata.Regarding the Angevin temple of Altomonte, there is also talk of "Gothic influence". In reality, what influenced the construction of the building was its "Cistercian variant", characterized by simple shapes and austere environments. The Cistercian churches, in fact, are distinguished by a Latin cross plan with a rectangular apse, with a poorly developed presbytery. Few ornaments and decorations, exposed stone or lime plastered facades. Construction and aesthetic aspects that were affected by the particularly severe rule of the monastic order founded by St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Hence the similarity of the church of Altomonte with other Cistercian complexes scattered across the peninsula, such as, for example, the church of the Abbey of Fossanova in Lazio. However, there is no shortage of Romanesque-inspired motifs in the same structure.Its construction took place on the basis of a pre-existing structure from the Norman era, dating back to the first half of the 11th century. A structure, presumably small in size, consecrated to S. Maria de Franchis (of the Franks).(Original)La chiesa di S. Maria della Consolazione di Altomonte costituisce un esempio tipico d’arte angioina, sviluppatasi nell’Italia meridionale tra il XIII e il XIV sec, le cui radici sono da ricercare nella regione francese della Provenza. La sua edificazione risale al 1336 circa, per volere di Filippo Sangineto, primo conte di Altomonte. Ultimata, presumibilmente, nel 1380, nel 1443 fu concessa all’Ordine dei domenicani, che vi fondarono un loro monastero. L’annesso Convento, voluto da Cobella Ruffo Sanseverino, nel frattempo arricchito di una nuova costruzione a due piani dotata di chiostro, divenne così un centro di studi teologici e scientifici di primo piano nell’Italia meridionale. Tra i suoi “ospiti”, merita una menzione particolare Tommaso Campanella, che proprio qui, intorno al 1589, scrisse la sua famosa opera Philosophia sensibus demonstrata.A proposito del tempio angioino di Altomonte si parla anche di “influenza gotica”. In realtà, ad influenzare la costruzione dell’edificio fu la sua “variante cistercense”, caratterizzata da forme semplici e ambienti austeri. Le chiese cistercensi, infatti, si distinguono per una pianta a croce latina dall’abside rettangolare, con presbiterio poco sviluppato. Pochi ornamenti e decorazioni, facciate in pietra a vista o intonacate a calce. Aspetti costruttivi ed estetici che risentivano della regola particolarmente severa dell’Ordine monastico fondato da S. Bernardo di Clairvaux. Da qui la somiglianza della chiesa di Altomonte con altri complessi cistercensi sparsi per la Penisola, come ad esempio, la chiesa dell’Abbazia di Fossanova nel Lazio. Non mancano, però, motivi di ispirazione romanica nella stessa struttura.La sua realizzazione avvenne sulla base di una struttura preesistente, di epoca normanna, risalente alla prima metà del XI sec. Una struttura, presumibilmente di piccole dimensioni, consacrata a S. Maria de Franchis (dei Franchi).

Ing. F — Google review


(203)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (1)


(88)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (2)

Piazza Tommaso Campanella, 87042 Altomonte CS, Italy

+39 0981 948041


Murales di Diamante

Sights & Landmarks

Historic Walking Areas

Beautiful sea side town, so much to see.

Ted W — Google review

Ich finde, die kleine Stadt ist einen Besuch wert. Die Wandgemälde, die zwar zum Teil schon verwittert sind, laden zum Erkunden ein. Ein tolles Projekt, was in Deutschland, wegen Denkmalpflege, wohl kaum möglich wäre. Der Lido Campingplatz in unmittelbarer Nähe, ist ebenfalls zu empfehlen.(Translated by Google)I think the small town is worth a visit. The murals, some of which are already weathered, invite you to explore. A great project that would hardly be possible in Germany due to monument preservation. The Lido campsite in the immediate vicinity is also recommended.

Wilm-D. D — Google review

Diamante is a beautiful city. Along the streets of the old city one can see interesting paintings. The murales. A must see if you are passing near. Located on the SS18.

Vincent A — Google review

Netter Ort mit angestaubtem Charme, wirkt leider nicht mehr wie ein Diamant. Es gibt wunderschöne Bilder, leider sind schon viele den Jahreszeiten zum Opfer gefallen. Es lohnt sich aber trotzdem Diamante zu besuchen.(Translated by Google)Nice place with outdated charm, unfortunately no longer looks like a diamond. There are beautiful pictures, unfortunately many have already fallen victim to the seasons. But it's still worth visiting Diamante.

Vera H — Google review

Lovely attraction. Stroll around the town to see beautiful drawings everywhere. Perfect reason to explore all the tiny alleys

Fabio C — Google review

A lovely atmosphere

KAZIM C — Google review

No se compran entradas, son murales en paredes de la ciudad. Algunos son bonitos otros no valen la pena. El centro histórico es muy bonito.(Translated by Google)Tickets are not bought, they are murals on city walls. Some are pretty, others are not worth it. The historic center is very beautiful.

Ana R — Google review

Künstler bemalen in diesem pittoresken Küstenort mit dem schönen Namen seit Neginn der 1980er-Jahre Hauswände. Man geht durch ein wirklich spannendes Bilderbuch.(Translated by Google)Artists have been painting house walls in this picturesque coastal town with the lovely name since Neginn in the 1980s. You go through a really exciting picture book.

Carolin B — Google review

The murals are cool. Some are pretty worn but others are vibrant. Some amazing talent went into them. There is so much charm to be found in the area and historical buildings. The doors and archways are not disappointing. It is right next to the sea which is an added bonus. There is also a beautiful church here. You can find hermit crabs in the rocky areas of the sea.

Laura T — Google review

Super nice street art from different artists and different epochs starting from the 80s or even earlier up to date. In every street and corner there is multiple pieces to "discover".

Christian E — Google review

Was für eine tolle Stadt! All die coolen Graffitis sind wunderschön und zudem erleichtern sie die Orientierung in der Altstadt. Wie wären gerne noch ein bisschen länger geblieben.(Translated by Google)What a great city! All the cool graffiti is beautiful and also makes it easier to find your way around the old town. We would have liked to stay a little longer.

Ulli — Google review

get ready to lose yourself while looking at these beautiful murals at this beautiful seaside town

Elif B — Google review

Leider sind die schönen Bilder oft schon verwittert. Sie geben den Ort Diamantes etwas besonderes. Vielleicht werden sie erneuert oder restauriert. Wäre schön(Translated by Google)Unfortunately, the beautiful pictures are often already weathered. They give the place Diamantes something special. Maybe they will be renewed or restored. Would be nice

Marion S — Google review

Nice place on the sea with beautiful murals and a lot of artists shops, bars and restaurants with a sea view !

Rateb J — Google review

Der Womostellplatz in Diamante ist nicht schlecht mit dem Fahrrad zum CONAD in 10 Min. tolle Sonnenuntergaenge. Plätze für Womos über 8m nicht zu empfehlen. Hundeauslauf(Translated by Google)The motorhome parking space in Diamante is not bad, you can cycle to CONAD in 10 minutes. Great sunsets. Places for RVs over 8m are not recommended. Dog run

Jupp1957 — Google review

Beautiful village with nice Graffiti.

Peter L — Google review

Diamanté pretty town known for it murals. Pepper festival every Sept. Great place to visit. Lovely shops and bars. Parking just a few roads away from centre.

Marilyn C — Google review

Die Campingplätze liegen dorekt am Meer, Diamante ist schön zum bummeln und die Gemälde in der Altstadt sind sehenswert.(Translated by Google)The campsites are right by the sea, Diamante is nice for strolling and the paintings in the old town are worth seeing.

Ivan J — Google review

Very beautiful place, the painting are so nice and you find them in every corner of place 😍🎨

Kateřina Š — Google review


(2368)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (3)


(271)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (4)

Corso Giuseppe Garibaldi, 87023 Diamante CS, Italy

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Rooms and guests






Rooms, guests


36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (5)


Ente Parco Nazionale Del Pollino

Government office

Nature & Parks

National Parks

(Translated by Google) Beautiful beech forest at 1500 meters high ... Very picturesque view of the Pollino park seen from the terrace of the lookout. Great food in the various restaurants ... Definitely come back ...(Original)Bellissimo il bosco di fa*ggeti a 1500 mt di altezza...Molto suggestivo il panorama sul parco del Pollino visto dalla terrazza del belvedere. Ottimo il cibo nei vari ristoranti...Da ritornarci sicuramente....

Rosa M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wonderful landscapes, above all, for the bursting vegetation and, of course, for the Loricato pine: a miracle of nature both alive and dead ... All my gratitude for the work you do to protect a territory so peculiar and rich in history, culture and citizens who resist ... One question: is it possible that the only map of the trails of the Pollino Park I found in Matera? My only flaw is not to have come to see one of your offices, but I went around a lot ...(Original)Paesaggi stupendi, soprattutto, per la vegetazione prorompente e, ovviamente, per il Pino Loricato: un prodigio della natura da vivo e da morto... Tutta la mia riconoscenza per il lavoro che fate per tutelare un territorio così peculiare e ricco di storia, cultura e cittadini che resistono... Una sola domanda: possibile che l'unica cartina dei sentieri del Parco del Pollino l'ho trovata a Matera? Unica mia pecca non essere venuta a vedere una delle vostre sedi, però ho girato parecchio...

Sandra F — Google review

(Translated by Google) Stunning landscapes, above all, for the overflowing vegetation and, obviously, for the Loricato pine: a prodigy of nature both alive and dead... All my gratitude for the work you do to protect such a peculiar and rich in history territory, culture and citizens who resist... Just one question: is it possible that I found the only map of the Pollino Park paths in Matera? My only flaw was not having come to see one of your locations, but I walked around a lot...(Original)Paesaggi stupendi, soprattutto, per la vegetazione prorompente e, ovviamente, per il Pino Loricato: un prodigio della natura da vivo e da morto... Tutta la mia riconoscenza per il lavoro che fate per tutelare un territorio così peculiare e ricco di storia, cultura e cittadini che resistono... Una sola domanda: possibile che l'unica cartina dei sentieri del Parco del Pollino l'ho trovata a Matera? Unica mia pecca non essere venuta a vedere una delle vostre sedi, però ho girato parecchio...

Sandra F — Google review

(Translated by Google) The beautiful beech forest at 1500 meters above sea level...The panorama of the Pollino park seen from the belvedere terrace is very suggestive. The food in the various restaurants was excellent... We will definitely return....(Original)Bellissimo il bosco di fa*ggeti a 1500 mt di altezza...Molto suggestivo il panorama sul parco del Pollino visto dalla terrazza del belvedere. Ottimo il cibo nei vari ristoranti...Da ritornarci sicuramente....

Rosa M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wow!I missed this park, I never came to visit it.To be enchanted by so much beauty. Spectacular flora and fauna!(Original)Wow!Mi mancava questo parco, non ero mai venuta a visitarlo.Da rimanere incantati da tanta bellezza. La flora e la fauna spettacolare!

Annamaria C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful place for those looking to relax and spend a few days isolated from everything and everyone(Original)Bellissimo posto x chi va in cerca di relax e trascorrere qualche giorno isolato da tutto e tutti

Vito L — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wow!I missed this park, I had never come to visit it.To be enchanted by such beauty. Spectacular flora and fauna!(Original)Wow!Mi mancava questo parco, non ero mai venuta a visitarlo.Da rimanere incantati da tanta bellezza. La flora e la fauna spettacolare!

Annamaria C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very welcoming and kind, welcome to visit the multimedia museum too(Original)Molto accoglienti e gentili benite a visitare anche il museo multimediale

Sira R — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very interesting and made even better by the preparation, courtesy of the guide present(Original)Molto interessante e reso ancora migliore dalla preparazione, cortesia della guida presente

F. T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Well studied and effective, thanks also to the enthusiasm of the staff present.(Original)Ben studiato ed efficace, grazie anche all'entusiasmo del personale presente.

Angelo S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Excellent structure...Excellent position...(Original)Ottima struttura...Ottima posizione...

Antonio F — Google review

(Translated by Google) Mountains that are pure magic...(Original)Montagne che sono pura magia...

Mariarosaria P — Google review


(47)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (6)


(323)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (7)

Strada Provinciale 28 Calabra, 12, 85048 Rotonda PZ, Italy

+39 0973 669311


Cirella island


Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

Small limestone Tyrrhenian Sea island topped with the ruins of a 16th century watchtower.

Vreau să vizitez(Translated by Google)I want to visit

Sono A — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very beautiful island surrounded by a sea of ​​wonderful colors.Clear water that allows you to glimpse the seabed, the rocks and expanses of algae.There are lots of seagulls.It can be reached by pedalo, small boats or by boats that offer a tour of the island.They organize small excursions with boats that allow you to stay 2 meters deep and see the seabed.Absolutely worth visiting...!!!(Original)Isola molto bella circondata da un mare dai colori meravigliosi.Acqua limpida che lascia intravedere i fondali , gli scogli e distese di alghe.Ci sono tantissimi gabbiani.Si può raggiungere con pedalò,piccoli scafi o con imbarcazioni che offrono un giro dell' isola.Organizzano piccole escursioni con imbarcazioni che permettono di stare a 2 metri di profondità e vedere i fondali.Da visitare assolutamente...!!!

Mirko C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Spectacular sea on the edge of the island. There are no jellyfish and it is full of fish. Easily reachable even with pedal boats and canoes if you find yourself in front of it. Crystal clear water as can be seen from the photos(Original)Mare spettacolare ai bordi dell isola. Non ci sono meduse ed è pieno di pesci. Facilmente arrivabile anche con pedalo e canoe se vi trovate difronte ad essa. Acqua cristallina come si evince dalle foto

Giuseppe B — Google review

(Translated by Google) A rock or a mirage? Immersed in the transparent sea of ​​the Riviera dei Cedri, it suddenly appears on the horizon, from the state road that runs along the sea, a stop, many photos. From the Diamante seafront you can admire it at any time of the day and it seems different every time for the sun that illuminates it and makes it shine. A suggestive dawn, an amazing sunset, a mysterious night. Kissed by small waves or slapped by tumultuous waves it makes a spectacle of itself.(Original)Uno scoglio o un miraggio?Immerso nel mare trasparente della Riviera dei Cedri,appare improvviso all' orizzonte,dalla strada statale che costeggia il mare,una fermata,tante foto.Dal lungomare di Diamante si può ammirarla in ogni ora del giorno e sembra diversa ogni volta per il sole che la illumina e la fa risplendere.Un'alba suggestiva,un tramonto strepitoso,una notte misteriosa.Baciata da piccole onde o schiaffeggiata da onde tumultuose dà spettacolo di sé.

Carla M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Cirella Island, small, uninhabited, with a square-shaped fort at the top, built to defend the coast from Turkish invasions in 1500.The island has Mediterranean-type flora and fauna. Some say they saw, in addition to many mice, also rabbits and hares. The side facing south is full of prickly pear plants. You arrive at the island by boat, you can dock randomly and go up to explore, until you reach the fort at the top.In the height of the season, and I'm talking about August, around the island, very close to its shores, there are numerous boats, motorboats and jet skis.For years there have been tales of the establishment of a protected marine area, but so far unfortunately it is a misunderstood letter(Original)Isola di Cirella, piccola, disabitata, con alla sommità un forte a pianta quadrata, costruito a difesa della costa dalle invasioni turche, nel 1500.L’isola ha una flora e una fauna di tipo mediterraneo. Alcuni dicono di aver visto, oltre a molti topi, anche conigli e lepri. Il lato che guarda a sud è pieno di piante di fichi d’india. Si arriva all’isola con la barca, si può attraccare alla buona e salire in esplorazione, fino ad arrivare al forte, sulla sommità.In pienissima stagione, e parlo di agosto, attorno all’isola, vicinissimo alle sue sponde, sono numerose le barche, i motoscafi, le moto d’acqua.Da anni si favoleggia dell’istituzione di un’area Marina protetta, ma finora purtroppo è lettera mirta

Orietta S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Located in the municipality of Diamante, in particular in the hamlet of Cirella, the island represents one of the attractions that the territory and nature have given to that stretch of coast!.Protected only in appearance, in the summer the internal part becomes a classic place to anchor boats and hulls.An ideal place for diving, there are several bathing beaches on the coast.!.Even the island pays for the neglect of the territory!(Original)Posta nel comune di Diamante, in particolare nella Frazione di Cirella, l’isola rappresenta una delle attrattive che il territorio e la natura ha regalato a quel tratto di costa!.Tutelata solo in apparenza, nel periodo estivo la parte interna diventa luogo classico dove ancorare barche e scafi.Luogo ideale per le immersioni, sulla costa sono presenti diversi lidi balneari.!.Anche l’isola paga l’incuria del territorio!.

Matteo F — Google review

(Translated by Google) The island of Cirellais an islandin Italylocated in theTyrrhenian Sea, inCalabria.It is located on the north-western coast of theCalabrianTyrrhenian Sea, opposite the town ofCirella, a hamlet ofDiamantein theProvince of Cosenza. It has a surface area of ​​0.12km² and reaches a maximum height of approximately 40 metres; the limestone rocks of the island, subjected to marine erosion, have given rise to many caves and inlets. The flora is typical of theMediterranean scrub, enriched by groves ofeuphorbiumandlemons.(Original)L'isola di Cirellaè un'isoladell'Italiasita nelmar Tirreno, inCalabria.Si trova nella costa nord occidentale delTirrenocalabrese, di fronte l'abitato diCirella, frazione diDiamanteinProvincia di Cosenza. Ha una superficie di 0,12km² e raggiunge un'altezza massima di circa 40 metri; lerocce calcareedell'isola, sottoposte all'erosionemarina, hanno dato vita a molte grotte ed insenature. La flora è quella tipica dellamacchia mediterranea, arricchita da boschetti dieuforbioelimoni.

Andrea F — Google review

(Translated by Google) This place belongs to my ❤️memories emotions feelings and everything contained here my island my favorite place(Original)Questo luogo appartiene al mio ❤️ricordi emozioni sentimenti e tutto racchiuso qui la mia isola il mio posto preferito

Angela M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Fantastic place, wonderful view towards the coast of Cirella and Diamante, easily reachable, going up to the island is an experience not to be missed. Generally clear sea, sometimes dirty due to the numerous visiting boats.(Original)Posto fantastico, vista stupenda verso la costa di Cirella e Diamante, raggiungibile facilmente, salire sull'isola è un'esperienza da fare assolutamente. Mare limpido in genere, a volte sporco a causa delle numerose barche in visita.

Saverio C — Google review

(Translated by Google) A place where you can take a bath in clean water and take a ride on a pedalo.(Original)Un luogo dove si può fare un bagno in un acqua pulita e un giro sul pedalò.

Angela A — Google review


(81)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (8)


(274)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (9)



Lao Rafting




River Rafting & Tubing

Beautiful experience. The canyon is amaźing and we did not expect such a great view. Mefisto is a highly recommended guide. Will come back!

Francesco A — Google review

We had a wonderful time with Lao Rafting! The staff was very friendly and professional.A cool thing was that they didn't mix the groups, so even if we were two families of three, we got our own boat and guide.We would have loved to do the long one ride, but the shorter one seem more adapted to our 4yo son. He loved the experience! . Next time well go for the long one!We also got the photos they took of us during the ride and I'm glad we did!!

Mstudiophoto N — Google review

Can’t speak highly enough of this organisation. Francesco and Amy took us on the canyon trip, stunningly gorgeous scenery and exhilarating rafting between steep cliffs, boulders and waterfalls. They paid every attention to safety while telling us all about the history of the gorge and the river as we went along. Calm, professional, supportive and fun people. Loved every minute and well worth the money. Thanks Francesco and Amy!!

Tom S — Google review

Worth it!As my first experience doing the rafting it was incredibly amazing .Andrea our guide did a great job .the track was plenty of discoveries.Good luck guysThe presence of WI-Fi was very pleasant also .

ANAS M — Google review

Had a lovely morning rafting with geronimo . Stunning views in the canyon, he was so passionate about rafting and telling us about the surroundings too. The place where you end up (the camp) is gorgeous to look out at the pollino mountains too. Would 100% recommend. I wear glasses too and this was not a problem whilst rafting.

Nikhil D — Google review

We had a fantastic time with Lao Rafting, they were all really friendly, we felt completely safe and the views down the gorge were amazing. We never would have seen these sights without this trip. Thank you Francesco - you were an incredible guide! From Natalia and David 😊😊

Natalia M — Google review

The nature along the trip is breathtaking .Minus : can be better if we could take a bit more time to enjoy the views . Also would be funnier with more freedom from the staff which can be very strict during the trip (almost no swimming allowed even when the water is very calm. ). If you are looking for adventure and fun you might find it childish..Finally i found it very annoying to pay 20€ EXTRA PER PERSON for the pictures. We were 2 doing the trip and they asked us to pay 40€ knowing that we were together on the pictures… then she «gave» us 50% discount. Anyway, pictures are taken and a guide is payed to take them during all the trip. Its shame to just erase them if nobody wants them. They should be included in the price. And actually, its seems logical that the trip already includes the photographer cost otherwise why would they take the risk to have customers not paying for them?!

ODGParis O — Google review

Fun and exciting. We did the long rafting 16km me and my mom and she had a great time so it's good even if you are on the older side

Boaz B — Google review

Very nice experience. Friendly guides and attention to the customers. For sure to go back for other adventures!

Michael G — Google review


(601)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (10)


(1007)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (11)

Corso Umberto I, 120, 87014 Laino Borgo CS, Italy

+39 338 639 3636

I'll never travel to Salerno without this trip planner again

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36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (17)

I will never travel to Salerno without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Pollino Rafting



River Rafting & Tubing

Wow! This place is amazing. The staff here is super welcoming and the activities that they provide are exceptional. Francesco, Diego, and Mattias (the guides) were fantastic. We did the long route and stayed on the river for more than 2 hours.Fiume Lao offers breathtaking views and the guides were clear in describing the place and the area. They were also supportive in guiding us throughout the activity and we couldn't ask for better guides.They even took fantastic pic shots when we were under a fall (see the attached picture).When we got back to the starting point, we all sat together and had a few beers and a long chat. Amazing atmosphere and people from all over the world.If you are looking for some action in the Pollino Mountain, you should definitely look for Francesco at the Pollino Rafting.High recommended.

Giampiero T — Google review

Thank you for these great tours. 😁The communication with Gigia was smooth in English. She has been super nice and answered and considered all my questions and concerns. The same goes for Francesco and Giuseppe.We did first water rafting and two days later canyoning. Both tours were with Francesco and the canyoning was with Giuseppe. I did both for the first time and felt very well taken care of. Francesco and Giuseppe are very experienced, friendly and funny. The tours are very nice and the price is absolutely reasonable. In general, it is a young and very nice team there. I can highly recommend it to everyone. I hope that I can do another tour there someday. 😇

Antonia B — Google review

Based on the photos and the description I had already been expecting something truly amazing but the actual experience still managed to be 100 times better than I could have possibly imagined! The views were spectacular and the route was very varied. Our guide, Franco, was super positive and explained all the technicalities in a clear way so that even though it was my first time doing rafting, it didn't feel daunting at all but pure fun.Everything was well-organised down to the smallest detail with all the equipment provided and access to warm showers and changing rooms afterwards.Another nice touch was the presence of a photographer so that we got some spectacular action shots at a small extra fee. I definitely hope to return to Pollino and do it again!

Magdalena G — Google review

We did the long route. It was fun and beautiful path between the mountains with nice view.The team is outstanding, fun and very friendly.Also a nice spot for camping.I definitely recommend this place.

Nitish — Google review

If you like the adventure this is the place for you. A team of professionals coming from all over the world, including rafting national champions, assist you while sailing on ribber boats on the Lao river. Different level of difficulties allow also kids from 3/4 to join the trip and having a lot of fun. Several opportunities are also offered like canyoning, biking, kayaking.

Aldo C — Google review

A very nice agency, a very nice staff and the river is amazing.The longer one is wonderfull.

Yarela M — Google review

Packrafting.Wonderful experience! To be repeated as soon as possible!!!

Francesco F — Google review

Top! ✌

Nicola — Google review


(575)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (19)


(717)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (20)

Contrada Petroso, 87014 Laino Borgo CS, Italy

+39 0981 85673


Mirto Solarium Bar


Outdoor Activities


Peaceful wonderful rocky area with nice swimming opportunities around interesting rock formations and caves. Clean areas for lettino, clean bathrooms and clean showers. Nice staff. Cool parking under shaded pergolas covered with plants and flowers. It’s an amazing place. I recommend it 100%.

Paolo M — Google review

A unique corner of Paradise, this place should remain secret!The location is wonderful: Cristal clear deep sea water that you can approach from the rocks, a path makes it easy to walk your way down and a little stair makes it possible to enter waters with calm and come out of it easily if you are not too confident with this landscape. The Solarium is excellent, calm, clean, elegant without being posh. The staff is very professional and kind. Very good bar and restaurant service under the shadow of a terrace where you can choose among simple,healthy, fresh, traditional local dishes. It was a real pleasure to read, study, concentrate and relax in front of the blue sea, surrounded by green and enjoy silence, sun and breathtaking sunsets. There is a parking service. Showers, Dress Cabin and Toilets are always clean and very well kept. A place that should remain secret. Excellent. Absolutely recommended if you like relax, calm and quiet.

Gabriella R — Google review

The staff were extremely helpful and friendly and our waitress spoke perfect English which was a nice surprise. The food was simple and delicious and I hear mostly grown in the grounds. The access road was very steep and was an adventure in itself, but well worth the effort because of the beautiful setting overlooking the sea. I thoroughly recommend you visit.

Oliver T — Google review

This beach takes the breath away. Hotel La Locanda delle Donne Monache offers sunbeds and beach umbrella in this paradise. Perfect choice by the hotel. The staff is fantastic. Unforgettable experience!!!

PAUL S — Google review

So good!

Leon O — Google review

Great panini, cold drinks (really), very clean and a spectacular view. Highly recommended.

Dan A — Google review

(Translated by Google) A paradise, there is little else to add. If you love the sea, and want to spend a relaxing day, in a select environment, it is the perfect place. The cuisine is excellent, and the aperitif with myrtle Spritz(Original)Un paradiso, c'è poco altro da aggiungere. Se amate il mare, e volete passare una giornata in relax, in un ambiente selezionato, è il posto perfetto. Ottima la cucina, e l'aperitivo con lo Spritz al mirto

Giovanni I — Google review

Too crowded, sea not clean

Zdenko R — Google review

(Translated by Google) Fantastic for quiet, relaxation, shade under olive trees and swimming among the rocks. For lunch then a fresa enriched with products from their garden that grow right next to the sunbeds, we will definitely be back!(Original)Fantastico per quiete, relax, ombra sotto alberi di ulivo e il bagno tra gli scogli. Per pranzo poi una fresa arricchita da prodotti del loro orto che crescono proprio accanto ai lettini, torneremo sicuramente!

Pasquale E — Google review

Wow! Good atmosphere!

Ildi N — Google review


(462)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (21)


(577)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (22)

Via Secca, 4, 85046 Maratea PZ, Italy

+39 340 931 5076



Outdoor Activities

Public beach


We visited the section where the beach is free. There is a supervised parking area that will cost you 5 for the day, but there are also free parking spaces higher up. The beach stands out with its distinctive black pebbles, giving it a unique charm. At the end of our day, we went to a friendly and courteous bar with slightly high prices.

(Translated by Google) Lovely place to say the least! A visit is a must!! The kayak guys and the ladies at the bar are very kind!There is the possibility of both going to the free beach and to the establishments...Access to the beach via a long walk then a long staircase..BEWARE the sand burns beyond belief!!!(Original)Posto incantevole a dir poco! Una visita è d'obbligo!! Gentilissimi i ragazzi del kayak e le signore del bar!C'è la possibilità sia di andare nella spiaggia libera che negli stabilimenti...Accesso alla spiaggia attraverso un lungo percorso a piedi poi una lunga scalinata..ATTENZIONE la sabbia ustiona fuori da ogni immaginazione!!!

Alessandra A — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very nice and quiet, unmissable place there is a guarded paid parking € 5 two sunbeds and umbrella € 22The beach is made of black sand and therefore sea shoes or flip flops are absolutely necessary, especially during the hottest hours(Original)Molto bello e tranquillo, posto imperdibile c'è un parcheggio a pagamento custdito 5€ due lettini e ombrellone 22€La spiaggia è fatta di sabbia nera e quindi assolutamente necessario le scarpette da mare o ciabatte soprattutto nelle ore più calde

Simone F — Google review

(Translated by Google) For the first time in Maratea with the family, we had decided to change the beach (and establishment) every day, but we wanted to return to Cala Jannita. Enchanting beach, comfortable and spaced umbrellas and top hospitality! You can also eat dishes with very fresh and abundant products. And then there's Rossana who, with her availability and friendliness, makes you feel like you're among friends. We had a really good time!(Original)Per la prima volta a Maratea con la famiglia, avevamo deciso di cambiare spiaggia ( e stabilimento) ogni giorno, ma a Cala Jannita ci siamo voluti ritornare. Spiaggia incantevole, ombrelloni comodi e diatanziati e ospitalità al top! Si possono anche mangiare piatti con prodotti freschissimi e abbondanti. E poi c'è Rossana che con la sua disponibilità e simpatia ti fa sentire tra amici. Siamo stati veramente bene !

Luigi ( — Google review

(Translated by Google) To enjoy the sea and the sun in full relaxation, this is the right place. The staff is extremely available and is ready for every customer need. A praise anke for the refreshment, excellent stuffed sandwiches and caponata ........(Original)Per godersi il mare ed il sole in pieno relax, è il giusto posto. Il personale è disponibilissimo ed è pronto per ogni esigenza della clientela. Un plauso anke per il ristoro, ottimi i panini farciti e la caponata........

Antonio V — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful bay with a wonderful view and lush nature that surrounds it. Hot black beaches with quite large "pebbles" on the shoreline... it is advisable to bring special footwear!! Convenient parking at €5 for the whole day. Just above it is possible to park along the road for free. There is a bit of walking and a few steps to walk but the place is definitely worth it. The bathroom is equipped and the bar staff are friendly and welcoming, the lifeguards a little less so... €20 for an umbrella and two deckchairs is absolutely honest. The situation is different for drinks at the bar, €4 for a Magnum, €8/9 for a sandwich, €20 to rent a kind of canoe for an hour!!! I understand the place and the logistics costs but I think that's how it really is too!!! SIN!!!(Original)Bellissima baia con un panorama stupendo e una natura rigogliosa che la circonda. Spiagge nera rovente con "ciottoli" abbastanza grandi sul bagnasciuga... consigliato portarsi delle calzature apposite!! Comodo il parcheggio a 5€ per l'intera giornata. Poco sopra è possibile comunque parcheggiare lungo la strada gratuitamente. C'è da fare un po' di strada e qualche scalino ma il posto merita sicuramente. Il bagno è attrezzato e il personale del bar gentile ed accogliente, un po' meno i bagnini... 20€ per ombrellone e due sdraio assolutamente onesto. Diverso il discorso per le consumazioni al bar, 4€ un Magnum, 8/9€ per un panino, 20€ per noleggiare una specie di canoa per un'ora!!!capisco il luogo e i costi per la logistica ma così credo sia veramente troppo!!! PECCATO!!!

Michele R — Google review

(Translated by Google) The bay is very beautiful, 20 euros for umbrella and 2 sunbeds + 5 parking in the shade are acceptable prices. The hundred steps to access are low and do not cause discomfort but I thought the water was better. Fairly transparent but with suspended microalgae which, seen with the mask, create almost a layer on the seabed. Certainly a natural fact but there is better in Maratea.(Original)La baia è molto bella, 20 euro per ombrellone e 2 lettini + 5 di parcheggio all'ombra sono prezzi accettabili. Il centinaio di scalini per l'accesso sono bassi e non creano disagio ma pensavo che l'acqua fosse migliore. Abbastanza trasparente ma con delle microalghe in sospensione che viste con la maschera creano sul fondale quasi uno strato. Sicuramente un fatto naturale ma c'è di meglio a Maratea.

Stefano P — Google review

(Translated by Google) We went on the last Sunday of September, a quiet day, we took 2 deckchairs and an umbrella at 1pm for 15.00 euros. Clear water and black pebble sand. Parking €5 where a very kind and nice lady gave us all the information to reach the free beach.(Original)Siamo stati l “ultima domenica di settembre, giornata tranquilla, presi 2 sdraio e un ombrellone alle 13,00 a euro 15.00 . Acqua limpida e sabbia di ciottoli neri .Parcheggio euro 5 dove una signora molto gentile e simpatica ci ha dato tutte le informazioni per raggiungere la spiaggia libera.

Giovanni Z — Google review

(Translated by Google) The beach itself is as beautiful as the surrounding context, surrounded by greenery, it can be reached via a path which is a bit uphill on the way back but it's fine. The negative point is that both the sea water and the beach are dirty. In June, umbrella and 2 sunbeds cost 20 euros, a bit expensive considering that in nearby Praia a mare in Calabria they cost 15 euros and the place is definitely higher.(Original)La spiaggia in sè è bella come il contesto intorno, immersa nel verde, si raggiunge attraverso un sentiero che al ritorno è un po' in salita ma va bene. Il punto negativo è che sia l'acqua del mare che la spiaggia sono sporche. In giugno ombrellone e 2 lettini euro 20, un po' caro considerando che nella vicina Praia a mare in Calabria vogliono 15 euro ed il posto è decisamente superiore.

Kikko B — Google review

(Translated by Google) The most beautiful beach in Maratea can be reached by car (guarded parking for 5 euros for the whole day). The beach is made up of black pebbles, which makes it characteristic. There are two bars with umbrellas and sunbeds on the sides and a central part of the free beach. Group tours with canoes are organized to see the nearby beaches and caves, but it is also possible to visit them by snorkeling without particular difficulty. Very characteristic are the caves which you can enter by swimming and reach the final part with small beaches which are often open in the upper part from which the sun enters, the most famous is the Sciabella cave. Furthermore, by swimming or canoeing it is possible, going north, to reach the D'I Vranne beach in a few minutes, which in 2016 was named by Legambiente as the most beautiful in Italy.(Original)La spiaggia più bella di Maratea raggiungibile in auto (parcheggio custodito a 5 euro per tutta la giornata). La spiaggia è fatta da sassolini neri, che la rendono caratteristica. Presenti due bar con ombrelloni e lettini ai lati e una parte di spiaggia libera centrale. Vengono organizzati giri in gruppi con canoe per vedere le spiagge e grotte vicine, ma è possibile visitarle anche facendo snorkeling senza particolare difficoltà. Molto caratteristiche sono le grotte in cui si può entrare a nuoto e raggiungere la parte finale con spiaggette che sono spesso aperte nella parte alta da cui entra il sole, la più famosa è la grotta della Sciabella. Inoltre, sempre a nuoto o in canoa è possibile, andando verso nord, raggiungere in pochi minuti la spiaggia D'I Vranne, che nel 2016 è stata battezzata da Legambiente come la più bella d'Italia.

Luca B — Google review

(Translated by Google) Terrible and rude owner of the lido, I'm in the profession and people like that should just close down, chase customers (tourists) away, it's an abominable thing, he's a bully. Even treating them badly in the town bar.One star is too much, learn to be a restaurateur(Original)Proprietario del lido pessimo e maleducato , io sono del mestiere e persone così dovrebbero solo chiudere cacciare via i clienti (turisti) è una cosa abominevole, è un bullo . Addirittura trattarli male nel bar del paese .Una stella è pure troppo impara a fare il ristoratore

Elide B — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very beautiful lido located in one of the most fascinating beaches of Maratea. Friendly staff. Parking cost five euros per day.(Original)Lido molto bello situato in una delle spaiggie più affascinanti di Maratea. Personale gentile. Costo del parcheggio cinque euro giornaliere.

William T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Truly an unforgettable beach.Very nice, friendly staff and very capable lifeguards: when my husband had a cut they treated him like in an emergency room.Regarding the other reviews on the poor cleanliness of the path to reach this paradise... well, they speak for themselves. The fault certainly lies not with the staff, who cleans every evening, but with the uncivilized people who pass along that path.A tip: rent canoes to visit the beach next door on the right, reachable only by sea.It will amaze you(Original)Davvero una spiaggia indimenticabile.Staff simpaticissimo, cordiale e bagnini in gambissima: di fronte a un taglio di mio marito l'hanno medicato come in un pronto soccorso.In merito alle altre recensioni sulla scarsa pulizia del sentiero per raggiungere questo paradiso...beh, si commentano da sole. La colpa non è certo del personale, che pulisce ogni sera, ma degli incivili che ci passano, per quel sentiero.Un consiglio: affittare le canoe per visitare la spiaggia di fianco sulla destra, raggiungibile solo tramite mare.Vi sbalordira'

Elia C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Stunning beach, uncrowded beach (September) and friendly and nice managers.(Original)Spiaggia stupenda, lido poco affollato (settembre) e gestori cordiali e simpatici.

Antonio M — Google review

(Translated by Google) We stayed in the part where there is a free beach. There is a secure car park where the day will cost you €5 otherwise there are free car parks further up. The beach has the particularity of having black pebbles which make it unique. At the end of the day we went to the bar where the staff was friendly and kind, prices were a little high(Original)Noi siamo stati nella parte dove c’è la spiaggia libera. Vi è un parcheggio custodito dove la giornata vi costerà 5€ altrimenti più in alto vi sono parcheggi gratuiti. La spiaggia presenta la particolarità di avere i sassolini neri che la rendono unica. A fine giornata ci siamo recati al bar dove il personale era simpatico e gentile, prezzi un po’altini

Ecaterina M — Google review


(125)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (23)


(422)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (24)

Via Malcanale, 85046 Maratea PZ, Italy

+39 348 893 0031


Statue of Christ the Redeemer

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (25)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (26)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (27)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (28)

Mentioned on

8 lists


Sights & Landmarks

Perched atop the 700-meter Corcovado mountain in Tijuca National Park, overlooking Rio de Janeiro, is the iconic Statue of Christ the Redeemer. This 21-meter marble statue, built in 1965 by artist Bruno Innocenti, has become a symbol of Christianity and a cultural icon of Brazil. Its arms are outstretched as if embracing and protecting the city. The journey to this landmark involves a winding road but rewards visitors with breathtaking views of the coastline and surrounding countryside.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer635 metric tons and is located atop the 700-meter Corcovado mountain in Tijuca National Park overlooking the city of Rio de Janeiro. A symbol of Christianity around the world, the statue has also become a cultural icon of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil, and was voted one of the New Seven Wonders of the World.The statue has its arms spread wide, embracing and protecting the city with this gesture. The foundation stone was laid in 1922, and in 1923 the project of the Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa was selected in the competition, work began in 1926. However, the statue is the work of the French sculptor of Polish origin, Maximilien Paul Landowski . It was ceremonially unveiled on October 12, 1931 as a monument to Brazil's independence from Portugal, proclaimed in 1822.

???? ? — Google review

The statue itself looks better from distance but the view from the top is amazing. Definitely worth visiting. The parking was free and you can take a bus to the top (1€ per person) but the road to the top is nice and quite short.

Agnieszka S — Google review

Sehr schöner Ort mit der imposanten Statue. Wunderschöne Aussicht in die ganze Gegend. Der Weg über die 20 Haarnadelkurven lohnt sich auf alle Fälle. Die Statue kannauch über den Wanderweg von Martea in etwa 30 Minuten erreicht werden.(Translated by Google)Very nice place with the impressive statue. Beautiful view of the whole area. The route over the 20 hairpin bends is definitely worth it. The statue can also be reached via the Martea hiking trail in about 30 minutes.

John B — Google review

Mesmerising! One of the most memorable places to visit in all of Italy. You can either hike all the way to the top or park at the lot. From the lot, you pay a couple of euros to take a shuttle bus to the statue and back down. Very convenient, cheap and doesn’t require any walking!Panoramic views at the top near the statue along with a couple of souvenir shops and places to get a drink afterwards.

Cassie T — Google review

This was easy to get to and a striking statue in beautiful surroundings. There is graffiti on Jesus, which I found to be sad. His feet are in need of washing! The gift shops were rather irrelevant and could use some higher quality offerings.

Louise B — Google review

Beautiful views from the top. Windy road up.

Chris P — Google review

Wir waren beeindruckt!Sehr schön!Das sollte man sich anschauen!(Translated by Google)We were impressed! Very nice!You should check this out!

Christine D — Google review

Buen lugar para ver atardeceres! Dificil de llegar sin auto.(Translated by Google)Good place to see sunsets! Difficult to get there without a car.

Lucas M — Google review

Great location, I would recommend to park at the parking below and to hike up the hill, it’s less than 2 km, takes about 45minCoordinates for the start of the trail:39°59′39.4″N 15°43′34.46″E

Philipp S — Google review

Amazing view of the landscape, no public wc, easy to get there using the shuttle services

Filipe S — Google review

The statue of christ the Redeemer of maratea is a statue of jesus Christ in maratea, southern Italy🇮🇹..........Realized in Carrara marble on the top of the mountain🗻....... "St.Biagio".......🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Khushi S — Google review

Amazing view and very well organised

Elizabeth F — Google review

What a view! The road from Agropoli to Maratea is fantastic. The coast en the mountains meet each other perfectly. Then suddenly the statue shows on top of the mountain. Worth the trip!

Annelies V — Google review

Auch einer der Plätze in Italien die einfach unbeschreiblich sind. Man kann mit dem Auto bis auf einen Parkplatz unterhalb fahren und dann mit einem Shuttlebus für 1 € bis nach oben fahren.(Translated by Google)Also one of the places in Italy that is simply indescribable. You can drive your car to a parking lot below and then take a shuttle bus up to the top for €1.

Stefan S — Google review

The most lonely, fulfilling and incredible experiences I have ever had.I walked the whole route by myself and it was amazing.Maratea is a small summer village so consider that during winter it isn’t crowded at all and a lot of the places are closed.

Jennifer R — Google review

W O W !!Hier hoch zu kommen, zu der über Maratea prangenden Christus-Statue ist ein muss !Es fühlt sich an, als befände man sich in "Rio de Janeiro" !21m Gesamthöhe ; 19 m Armspannweite ; 3 m Kopfhöhe.Geschweige der Blick der Statue, die einen nie aus dem Blick lässt.Zudem noch ein toller Panoramaausblick einem geboten wird.Volle 5 Sterne für so ein monumentales Bauwerk!(Translated by Google)WOW!!Coming up here to the Christ statue that towers over Maratea is a must!It feels like you are in “Rio de Janeiro”!21m total height; 19 m arm span; 3 m head height.Let alone the look of the statue that never takes your eyes off it.You are also offered a great panoramic view.Full 5 stars for such a monumental building!

W. W — Google review

It's a long drive from Maratea to the view point. But it is definitely worth for the trip. One of the memorable spot in the trip.

Nothingnew — Google review

Beautiful place to view the coast below and mountains behind. Limited parking directly at the top, but additional parking a bit further down just a few mins walk away. Impressive even just to arrive by car along the winding roads up the mountain. Come at sunset for the best views. Bar and souvenir shop at the top too.

Roman D — Google review

Hermosa estatua y lugar. La vista panorámica es increíble. La iglesia está impecable, y la feria del lugar es muy linda.Y desde la playa abajo, se ve el Cristo, como muestro en una foto.(Translated by Google)Beautiful statue and place. The panoramic view is incredible. The church is impeccable, and the local fair is very nice.And from the beach below, you can see Christ, as I show in a photo.

Virginia C — Google review

A stunning place to visit. The shop and cafe were clean and no pressure to purchase. Views were excellent of the surrounding areas.

Peter R — Google review

Amazing view, however to go up a certain point you have to pay a bus drive (1€ round trip) or go by foot (1km - 15/20 min walk). My grandma is in a wheelchair and we could not imagine bringing her here, sadly.

Mariana L — Google review

Beautiful views but no public toilet anywhere.

Guy R — Google review

Amazing view of the coast, but both the statue and lighting of it when it gets dark are pretty tacky. Can't get all the way up by car, there's a paid parking and a bus that gets there, or you can get up by feet either on the asphalt road or on a steeper foot path.

Luca S — Google review

Schon von weit weg zu sehen und unbedingt ein Besuch wert. Mit dem Auto bis zum Parkplatz (erste Stunde 5 Euro) Wer es günstiger will parkiert schon 1 - 2 Kurven früher gratis. Der Fussweg dauert vom Parkplatz ca. 15 Minuten. Es fährt auch ein Shuttlebus für 1 Euro pro Person und Weg.(Translated by Google)It can be seen from far away and is definitely worth a visit. By car to the parking lot (first hour 5 euros). If you want it cheaper, you can park 1 - 2 turns earlier for free. The walk from the parking lot takes about 15 minutes. There is also a shuttle bus for 1 euro per person each way.

Erwin K — Google review

Well, i was not impressed by statue, church was really pretty. I loved more local animals.There are lots of different souvenirs. Bit expensive sometimes. There's a parking where you can buy a bus ticket to go up. Costs 1 euro. Parking was paid for 5 euro

Margarita L — Google review


(7506)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (29)


(2653)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (30)

Monte San Biagio, 85046 Maratea PZ, Italy


Volo dell'Angelo - Partenza di Pietrapertosa

Adventure sports


Tomaso F — Google review

(Translated by Google) Just unbelievable. An experience that you absolutely have to have.Regardless of the experience and the thrill, I was very positively surprised by the well-organized process.After booking online, you will receive all the important information by email, such as that you should wear a T-shirt and not a top or that you should definitely take something to drink with you, etc.I felt well prepared.Everything was also very well organized on site, from the “Biglietteria”, where you get your printed ticket, are weighed and receive the final information, to departure and arrival.Compliments to everyone who was involved and was able to take some of my frustration out with their friendly and warm manner :)TOP!!!(Original)Einfach unglaublich. Eine Erfahrung, die man unbedingt mal machen muss.Unabhängig von dem Erlebnis und dem Nervenkitzel war ich sehr positiv überrascht, über den durchaus gut organisierten Ablauf.Bereits nach der Online-Buchung bekommt man alle wichtigen Informationen per Mail zugeschickt, wie z.B., dass man ein T-Shirt tragen sollte und kein Top oder, dass man unbedingt etwas zu trinken mitnehmen sollte, etc.Ich fühlte mich gut vorbereitet.Auch vor Ort war alles super organisiert, von der „Biglietteria“, in der man sein ausgedrucktes Ticket bekommt, gewogen wird und die letzten Informationen erhält, bis zum Abflug und der Ankunft.Kompliment an alle, die dort mitwirken und mir mit ihrer sympathischen und herzlichen Art etwas „Muffensaußen“ nehmen konnten :)TOP!!!

G. S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Flight n2: less adrenalinic but more accessible at the launch station.On this section towards Castelmezzano, a slight rotation due to the wind is perceived during the flight.(Original)Volo n2: meno adrenalinico ma più accessibile alla stazione di lancio.Su questa tratta verso castelmezzano si percepisce,durante il volo,una leggera rotazione dovuta al vento.

Peppe M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Exciting experience, worth trying. The only flaw is the uphill hike to reach the departure point from Castelmezzano, it took my wife and I 1 hour.(Original)Esperienza emozionante ,da provare. L'unica pecca la scarpinata anche in salita per raggiungere la partenza da Castelmezzano, io e mia moglie abbiamo impiegato 1 ora.

Marco T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Fantastic experience, very beautiful, it gives you the sensation of flying, having a spectacular view of the entire landscape below and around.The price is worth it, because in the end you make two flights, one outward and one back. I thought the flight duration would be longer, but in the end doing 2 is still fine.The guys who guide you and tie you up are very nice and easy going, once tied up you feel like a salami swooping down.(Original)Esperienza fantastica, molto bella, ti da la sensazione proprio di volare, avendo una vista spettacolare su tutto il paesaggio sotto ed intorno.Il prezzo ne vale la candela, perché alla fine si effettuano due voli, uno all'andata e l'altro al ritorno. Pensavo che la durata del volo fosse maggiore, ma alla fine facendone 2 va bene lo stesso.I ragazzi che ti guidano e ti legano sono molto simpatici ed alla mano, una volta legato ti senti un salame che scende in picchiata.

Leonardo T — Google review

(Translated by Google) Unique experience! At the end of the route you can ask for professional photos with the addition of €10. There are two routes, the first takes a little less. To reach the second station you have to walk uphill for about 15 minutes. Helpful and kind staff! Only advice: add the possibility of selling bottles of water in the second station.(Original)Esperienza unica! Alla fine del percorso si può chiedere le foto professionali con l’aggiunta di 10€. Ci sono due percorsi, il primo dura un po’ meno. Per raggiungere la seconda stazione bisogna camminare in salita per circa 15 minuti. Staff disponibile e gentile! Unica consiglio: aggiungere nella seconda stazione la possibilità di vendere delle bottigliette d’acqua.

Anna P — Google review

(Translated by Google) I accompanied a couple of tourists, and I took the opportunity.Qualified and kind staff. Breath-taking view . Simply a unique experience. I highly recommend it(Original)Ho accompagnato una coppia di turisti , e ho colto l’occasione .Personale qualificato e gentile . Vista mozzafiato . Semplicemente un’esperienza unica . La consiglio vivamente

Stefano — Google review

(Translated by Google) My husband and 14 year old daughter did this tandem flight. They loved it.We picked up our tickets in the village of pietrapertosa and were able to do it right away.Friendly management team. Good organization in terms of shuttles. Well secured.Allow 1h30 to make the return trip.Important, Please note: there is a short 30-minute hike that is quite steep, especially if it is very hot. Bring good shoes and water.(Original)Mon mari et ma fille de 14 ans ont fait ce vol en tandem. Ils ont adoré.Nous avons pris nos billets dans le village de pietrapertosa et nous avons pu le faire tout de suite.Équipe encadrante sympathique. Bonne organisation au niveau des navettes. Bien sécurisée.Compter 1h30 pour faire l aller retour.Important , A savoir: il y a une petite randonnée de 30 minutes assez raide surtout si il fait très chaud. Prévoir de bonnes chaussures et de l eau.

Emilie B — Google review

(Translated by Google) Spectacular experience, it repays the long walks to get to the launch sites and the cost of the flight, in my opinion, is high. Also nice to spend time in the villages, shame about the communication roads not up to the rest(Original)Esperienza spettacolare, ripaga le lunghe camminate per arrivare sui siti di lancio e il costo del volo a mio avviso alto. Bello anche da intrattenersi nei borghi, peccato per strade di comunicazione non all'altezza del resto

Leonardo G — Google review

(Translated by Google) Truly unique and special experience! The first flight is much more evocative than the second as it is lower! Absolutely not to be missed by those who like the thrill of an adventure and adrenaline! The service and staff were really excellent! Remember the glasses that come in handy! Location itself really great! Really beautiful place that intersects with the Lucanian Dolomites! Not to be missed!(Original)Esperienza davvero unica e speciale! Molto più suggestivi il primo volo rispetto al secondo essendo più bassi! Assolutamente da non perdere a chi piace l'emozione di un avventura e l'adrenalina! Davvero ottimo il servizio ed il personale! Da ricordarsi gli occhiali che tornano comodi! Location di per sé davvero ottimo! Posto davvero bello che si interseca con le Dolomiti Lucane! Da non perdere!

Francesco P — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wonderful experience. Sparkling.Recommended to everyone, in the Lucanian Dolomites. Then everyone goes to eat, to recover from the effort and the show.(Original)Esperienza stupenda. Frizzante.Consigliata a tutti, sulle Dolomiti Lucane. Poi tutti a mangiare, a riprendersi dello sforzo e dello spettacolo.

Paolo A — Google review

(Translated by Google) FLIGHT OF THE ANGEL 3*Nice experience, but I think the price is excessive (42 euros).Photos to be paid separately (one 5 euros, three 8 euros... they don't print them and you can't even see your face)Easy 7 minute walk from Pietrapertosa; walking route from Castelmezzano, 18 very tiring minutes with half of the route steep uphill.With what you pay they could also guarantee a shuttle service between the two countries (service available only by contacting a private individual at a cost of 30 euros x2pp).I ignore the fact that there is no refund for those who give up (my wife).(Original)VOLO DELL'ANGELO 3*Bella esperienza, ma ritengo che il prezzo sia eccessivo (42 euro).Foto da pagare a parte (una 5 euro, tre 8 euro... non le stampano e non ti si vede neanche in faccia)Percorso a piedi da pietrapertosa 7 minuti agevoli; percorso a piedi da castelmezzano 18 minuti molto faticosi con metà percorso ripido in salita.Con quello che si paga potrebbero garantire anche un servizio navetta fra i due paesi (servizio disponibile solo contattando un privato al costo di 30 euro x2pp).Sorvolo sul fatto che non sia previsto un rimborso per chi rinuncia (mia moglie).

Paolo R — Google review


(71)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (31)


(498)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (32)

Vico II Cirillo, 5, 85010 Pietrapertosa PZ, Italy

I'll never travel to Salerno without this trip planner again

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36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (33)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (34)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (35)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (36)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (37)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (38)

I will never travel to Salerno without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Volo dell'Angelo - Biglietteria di Castelmezzano

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (40)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (41)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (42)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (43)

Mentioned on

4 lists

Adventure sports

Volo dell'Angelo in Castelmezzano offers an adrenaline-filled experience for thrill-seekers. Also known as the angel flight, this high-speed zip line starts from a hill near the village and connects over the valley with neighboring Pietrapertosa. Despite some challenges with accessibility and limited services, visitors praise the breathtaking views and friendly staff.

Beautiful Italian hilltop village. Certainly worth the effort to visit this area. Like a mini Alpine region,

Richard W — Google review

Amazing experience! We truly recommed this flight! The stuff is very kind and highly professional. After you buy your flight online, you come to the Castelmezzano village to the ticket office - Biglietteria. You have to meet the weight requirements, so they measure your weight. Then you go to the parking place in front of tourist info point and wait for the shuttle bus. Bus takes you as high as the road goes, then you walk about 20 minutes further high the path to the Castelmezzano starting station. You fly to the other hill, near Pietrapertosa. Other bus takes you to Pietrapertosa and after cca 10 minutes walk you reach another starting point and you fly back to Castelmezzano. All this is included in price you pay when you book the flight. Pictures from your flight can be purchased after first flight and you can rent GoPro camera at the first starting point. After both flights you get memory card with videos from both of your flights. We had 2x couple flights with our childrens 13 and 10 years old, it was fantastic, the stuff works precisely with all safety precautions. Once more many thanks, when in Basilicata, we will come back again!!! 👍👍👍😉

Martin Š — Google review

No words to describe how great it was. Definitely I would repeat it!!!

Dayron R — Google review

Unforgettable experience practiced several times. Really breathtaking .. everything is located in an incredibly small but breathtaking village. I recommend everyone even a visit to the place !!!

F9 — Google review

This was so much fun and could not have been more beautiful. We appreciated the relaxed pace and even enjoyed the 25min hike to the first zipline.

Julia K — Google review

Unforgettable experience, but do keep in mind that there’s a long hard walk up to the Castelmezzano platform, as well as a slightly less challenging walk uphill to the Pietrapertosa platform. If you’re up for a gruelling workout, I’m sure you’re not going to regret it.

LEONIDAS K — Google review

Very cool and unique experience, too bad for the disastrous connections to get there and the lacking side services, like bars, restourant etc....... To answer you reply, my it's not a critic to the experience itself but how everything around it works... I visited in mid August, booking an experience early afternoon, but unfortunately half the restaurant and shop were closed (for holydays or else)... Luckly I had plenty water with me. As for the connections, clearly out of you organization scope, coming from south the road is only doable with a an off-road fit vehicle as besides the high slopes some parts are completely unpaved while coming from down from the north there in only a busy narrow mountain road (also unpaved) used by buses and other heavy vehicles. While the Volo dell'angelo was a great experience, it's really a shame that it's not accompanied by adeguated services and infrastructure...

Andrea L — Google review

Highly recommended if you're in Castelmezzano or Pietrapertosa. One of the most beautiful views ever on a Zipline. You can experience ziplines anywhere in the world but it's truly magical here with the views of Castelmezzano and the Lucanian dolomites. Very nice and polite staff, very secure.

Reyna — Google review

We had great adventure, flying at a high altitudes, with an amazing scenery at a high speed made it unforgettable. The walk to the top made the adventure interesting.

Kamran K — Google review

Beautiful town in Italy and that experience is one I will never forget! You will get a work out hiking to the top, so wear comfortable clothing.If you go, it is an experience of a lifetime!

Jenna M — Google review

Fantastic zip wire over a beautiful valley. You go across once walk round the town on the other side and zip back! Amazing experience! The walk up is steep but we'll worth it!

J B — Google review


(1099)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (44)


(1027)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (45)

Via Roma, 28, 85010 Castelmezzano PZ, Italy

+39 331 934 0456


Fontana Capello

Nature & Parks


Small mountainside cascade surrounded by vegetation, close to a ruined mill, with a picnic table.

Such a spactacular site! It is worth to visit if you like mountainous trips and natural beauty. We came here from Marina di Camerota, the western coast of Cilento, and the whole trip was full of breathtaking views.

Dénes B — Google review

Tiny but magnificent waterfalls. Highly recommended

A ( — Google review

Decided to go and see the falls 74km drive from our B&B. Arrived what was easy to find 3€ the man paid entrance and 100 meters further the really incredible beauty of a waterfall. A place to enjoy in peace with your feet in the icy water and of course take the picture in all positions of the waterfall. also cross the road for the same price to the second waterfall with also unique photos. There is also a walking route of 13.5 km which must be very beautiful but it was too hot for it. Will definitely come back for it.

Bert S — Google review

Beautiful spot. Worth a detour. We paid 6€ for two adults and three children. Fair price.

Lars V — Google review

Loved the green field and the place was very peaceful. The only thing, the should do a better job keeping clean the place. Ppl are without of respect for the environment.

Cos S — Google review

Absolutely wonderful place. So peaceful and right in the middle of nature. There are quite a few people there but easy enough to climb the rocks to go in the water. But be careful, the water is absolutely freezing but so refreshing on hot summer days. Not as humid as by the sea but still hot. There is a water fountain that you can drink from, so bring your empty bottles to fill or splash your face and body to really cool down. We absolutely loved it there. Take a picnic and cool down your drinks in the creeks. Sit back, relax and enjoy what nature has to offer. This place is absolutely beautiful.

Kylie B — Google review

Enjoy place for lazy tourists:)There not need to walk long, it’s easy to go there and so beautiful.)

Nataliia V — Google review

Just one of the best places I have ever been.The place is quite hidden and not right behind the corner, and you will need a car to get there, but it worth it so much!Splendid water oasis, spectacular on a hot summer day. The water is cristal clear and cold, but not freezing. Is a spot not massively known, so it's most of the time very quiet and isolated. Please, take away your rubbish and do not contaminate this lost paradise 🙏

Pietro P — Google review

Very Nice Place!When you reach the parking space you can take a bus to the top, instead of walking 1 kilometer, price is 1.- per person,

Miro B — Google review

I went there yesterday. It's a nice place if u live near by. We drove almost 2h and for that long way by car it's not something too special. On the end they making a big thing out of a little thing. Honestly I was disappointed.

Jengiu Z — Google review


(3096)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (46)


(334)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (47)

Via Nazionale, 84030 Casaletto Spartano SA, Italy

+39 0973 374285


Oasi WWF Grotte del Bussento

Mentioned on

1 list

Nature preserve

Nature & Parks

National park

Caverns & Caves

The Oasi WWF Grotte del Bussento is a picturesque natural area nestled in a mountainous landscape. It features a stunning canyon with a stream that showcases springs, waterfalls, and an old mill. This family-friendly nature walk takes visitors through the gorge where the Bussento river emerges from a cave. Managed by WWF, the preserve offers reasonable admission tickets and knowledgeable staff who provide explanations about the cave's ecosystem and cultural heritage.

Wow!!! Il mondo delle fiabe. Can you believe that I almost saw a fairy??? So beautiful. Be ready to walk!

Anto M — Google review

Impresive nature, a must do visit in south Cilento National Park

Pedro B — Google review

Mooi gebied. Zorg wel voor goede schoenen, het is een pad van ongelijke Stenen.(Translated by Google)Beautiful area. Make sure you have good shoes, it is a path of uneven stones.

Kees S — Google review

Tolle Wanderung, im Hochsommer sehr erfrischend in der Grotte. Man kann sich am Fluss auch schön abkühlen. Es gibt mehrere Wasserstellen, an denen man seine Trinkflasche auffüllen kann. Der Picknickplatz ist leider nicht mehr sehr schön, die Bänke und Tische sind quasi nicht mehr vorhanden, weil morsch...(Translated by Google)Great hike, very refreshing in the grotto in midsummer. You can also cool off nicely by the river. There are several water points where you can refill your water bottle. Unfortunately, the picnic area is no longer very nice, the benches and tables are practically no longer there because they are rotten...

Claudia S — Google review

Beautiful place! It takes like 1 hour (with good shoes and condition) to follow the path circuit. Small little bridges near the river and an amazing cave, that unfortunately we could no explore further as there are some bats that were in protection, thus closed for the moment for preservation. Nevertheless, it is completely worth the 5e entrance.

Pamela M — Google review

Amazing place! You can do the all park in less than 1,5 hours but you will take longer because you will want to stop everywhere to admire the beauty. After the mill go until end of the road and have a dip on a natural swimming pool. The people that work there are 5 🌟.

Ricardo N — Google review

A family friendly nature walk that requires descending in a gorge where the Bussento river emerges from a cave. The WWF manages the area and charges reasonable admission tickets. Local WWF staff provides explanation about the cave, the ecosystem and the cultural heritage of this site as the water powered a grain mill active until the 1960s. It is also possible to take a dip in the cold and clean water of the river. The walk is not very long, about a mile for the trail suggested by the WWF, but has some steep sections that require sneakers or trekking shoes.

Fabrizio A — Google review

Sehr schöner Ort! Wenn man sich Zeit lässt kann man auch gut mehrere Stunden verbringen.Das WWF-Büro wsr geschlossen. Wir haben die Hamdynummer angerufen, nach 5 Minuten hat uns eine sehr nette Frau die Tickets verkauft.(Translated by Google)Very nice place! If you take your time, you can easily spend several hours.The WWF office was closed. We called the Hamdy number and after 5 minutes a very nice woman sold us the tickets.

Johannes B — Google review

Very nice walk! Great river water is cold though but very pretty.. also a little nice cave made of huge rocks and the river flowing underneath

Carine A — Google review

Wunderschöne Naturoase mit herrlichem Wasserfall und angrenzender Mühle. Gut durchdachter Naturpfad, der Sie hinunter zum Fluss und zum Wasserfall führt. Absolut empfehlenswert!(Translated by Google)Beautiful natural oasis with a wonderful waterfall and adjacent mill. Well thought out nature trail that takes you down to the river and waterfall. Highly Recommended!

Fernando L — Google review

Worth seeing. Stunning.

James H — Google review

Grandios! Hier betritt der Weltenbummler einen heiligen Ort der Naturgewalten! Der Weg durch die Schluchten- und Grottenlandschaft gleicht einer Art meditativem Gang durch eine, von Wildheit und Schönheit durchdrungenen Natur, fast wie im Märchen. Glasklares Wasser, das aus dem Berge quilkt und schießt!(Translated by Google)Great! Here the globetrotter enters a sacred place of the forces of nature! The path through the gorge and grotto landscape is like a kind of meditative walk through nature permeated by wildness and beauty, almost like in a fairy tale. Crystal clear water that oozes and shoots out of the mountains!

Rainer E — Google review

Very nice scenery. Worth a visit if you’re here in Scario for some time. A bit too hot in July and the water is too cold for a swim

Christelle A — Google review

Absolut lohnenswertes Ausflugsziel! Man parkt das Auto in Morigerato kostenlos und dann kauft man ein Ticket für 5 Euro pro Person im Büro.Nun geht es circa 800 Meter bergab über Stufen. Es gibt immer wieder Rastplätze und tolle Ausblicke auf die umliegenden Berge.Unten angekommen, gibt es einen Rundweg, der über die Grotta del Bussento, das moosbewachsene Tal hin zur alten Mühle führt. Es sieht alles sehr verwunschen aus und man bekommt super Motive für Instagram.Ende April war hier kaum was los. Keine Wartezeiten etc.Für den Aufstieg gibt es zur Hochsaison auch eine kleine Bahn.(Translated by Google)Absolutely worthwhile destination! You park your car for free in Morigerato and then buy a ticket for 5 euros per person at the office.Now it's about 800 meters downhill over steps. There are always rest areas and great views of the surrounding mountains.Once at the bottom, there is a circular path that leads over the Grotta del Bussento, the moss-covered valley to the old mill. It all looks very enchanting and you get great motifs for Instagram.At the end of April there was hardly anything going on here. No waiting times etc.There is also a small cable car for the climb in high season.

Stephan N — Google review

Welcome to Jurassic Park 😁

Stefano M — Google review

The Oasi was a great experience with great scenic views that can’t be captured in pictures!However, you should know that the paths are old and rough “mule paths”, so be prepared for somewhat steep steps and uneven terrain! If you are restricted in mobility or have knee issues, I wouldn’t recommend a visit.Also, the Oasi is closed when it’s raining (as the paths will become extremely slippery and dangerous), so try to visit when the weather is good!

Bear B — Google review

Very nice if u like the pure nature! Only thing made by humans are the stairs. (made from rocks) A lot of plants and animals to see!Entrance is only 5 € and is definately worth it!

Steven O — Google review


(1724)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (48)


(297)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (49)

Via Censimento, 84030 Morigerati SA, Italy

+39 333 695 9991


Certosa of Saint Lawrence

Mentioned on

4 lists


Sights & Landmarks

Architectural Buildings

Sacred & Religious Sites

The Certosa of Saint Lawrence is a vast monastery complex that dates back to 1306. It has beautiful cloisters and fountains, and also houses an archaeology museum. Along with the Valinas of Paestum and Velia, this impressive structure has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1998.

Le site est magnifique et très bien entretenu. Les téléphones remis à l'accueil avec un contenu multimédia donnant de nombreuses explications sont très appréciable. Le musée sur le site est également bien fourni.(Translated by Google)The site is magnificent and very well maintained. The telephones handed over to reception with multimedia content giving numerous explanations are very appreciated. The on-site museum is also well stocked.

Francesco M — Google review

Nous avons assisté a une reconstruction historique " l omelette aux 1000 œufs ". Cette fête durant 3 jours , 8 .9. 10 août . Fantastique, dans un cadre authentique de jour comme de nuit.(Translated by Google)We witnessed a historical reconstruction of “the 1000 egg omelette”. This festival lasts 3 days, 8.9. August 10. Fantastic, in an authentic setting day and night.

Charly M — Google review

Merveille architecturale et religieuse. Un site d’exception à ne manquer sous aucun prétexte ! Un vaste complexe dans lequel on se pert de petit cloître en cloître très vaste, de jardin en salles soignées. Une visite qui permet de traverser la vie de ce site inclassable, ses époques, ses usages. Endroit paisible et de recueillement où l’on découvre toujours un détail, un recoin ou par surprise une très beau jardin.À ce tarif cela vaut le détour. Un de mes coups de cœur dans la région !(Translated by Google)Architectural and religious marvel. An exceptional site not to be missed under any circ*mstances! A vast complex in which you wander from small cloister to very large cloister, from garden to neat rooms. A visit which allows you to explore the life of this unclassifiable site, its eras, its uses. Peaceful and contemplative place where we always discover a detail, a nook or by surprise a very beautiful garden.At this price it is worth the detour. One of my favorites in the region!

Olivier M — Google review

Carthusian monasteries are of interest to me (due to my job) so obviously I enjoyed the visit but my family loved it too. It's a well preserved example even though the monks are no longer there.

Ania A — Google review

A beautiful place that we visited in about two hours! All spectacular from the quiet cloister, the library with the floor covered with Vietri sul Mare ceramic tiles, the church decorated with precious marble, the large kitchen, the spiral staircase, the Sala delle Campane, of the Chapter and the Treasury, the various Chapels, the largest Cloister in the world with the Carthusian Cells really a marvel !!! Despite its majesty and beauty, the place has lost that mystical and sacred dimension typical of religious places. There is a large outdoor parking cost € 3.00. In the courtyard you can admire the beautiful seventeenth-century façade in Baroque style where there is the ticket office together with the bookshop point, which is usually located at the end of the route. We wanted to buy a little book but finished in Italian language! Besides the fact that it is a unique place and therefore absolutely to visit but it could really does much more!

Alessia M — Google review

It is a shame such a beautiful place is so badly connected to anywhere. We drove all the way here on our road trip, it’s definitely worth a visit if you are around but too much hassle if not.

Massimo M — Google review

Great old monastery, very big territory, well preserved.

Irko M — Google review

Suite aux commentaires élogieux, nous avons fait un détour pour visiter la chartreuse. Visite très mitigée : nous avons vu de belles choses mais avons eu un accès limité dû aux travaux actuels : pas de visite des cellules des moines, juste une travée du grand cloître accessible, pas possible de visiter l’étage. Ce que nous aurions pu comprendre si on nous l’avait annoncé lors de l’achat des billets nous a fortement agacé et déçu lorsque nous l’avons découvert durant la visite. Sinon, inutile de faire la visite de la maison basse : les vidéos en Italien sous titrées en anglais ont peu d’intérêt. Pour les audios guides de la maison haute, ils sont en italien, anglais ou allemand…(Translated by Google)Following the glowing comments, we took a detour to visit the chartreuse. Very mixed visit: we saw beautiful things but had limited access due to current works: no visit to the monks' cells, just one bay of the large accessible cloister, not possible to visit the upper floor. What we could have understood if it had been announced to us when purchasing tickets, greatly annoyed and disappointed us when we discovered it during the visit. Otherwise, there is no point visiting the lower house: the videos in Italian with English subtitles are of little interest. For the audio guides of the upper house, they are in Italian, English or German…

Chateau G — Google review

It didn't appear in our tourist guide and we ended up there by chance but it was one of my favourite sights of the trip. Architecturally it is gorgeous and the admission ticket was really cheap. I would totally recommend it!

Ferran P — Google review

This gem was a great experience, I wish we had more time to visit everything. It deserves s visit even if short on time but plan at least 2 or 3 hours for a more relaxed experience.

Cherida B — Google review

Beautiful and quiet and expansive place with grand decoration in so many rooms.

TKO — Google review

Lots of history with an excellent guide, Michele explaining not only the history but meanings symbols, layout, and even chants of the monks.

Bruce J — Google review

Lovely day out in stunning medieval Italian abbey in the countryside. Easy to reach from motorway just 1h south of Salerno. Lots of space to run around for children. Complete of its own little archeological museum with lovely greek and italic artefacts from the region. Trattoria degli ulivi nearby offers a lovely and cheap meal after all the walking around

Erika M — Google review


(5881)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (50)


(1447)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (51)

Viale Certosa, 1, 84034 Padula SA, Italy

+39 0975 196 6359


Baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte

Sights & Landmarks


Churches & Cathedrals

Baptistry from the early days of Christianity, built on the walls of an ancient pagan structure. It's in a beautiful setting. Free admission.

Rutherford H — Google review

A Christian baptismal font on water spring. An amazing place

Alberto L — Google review


Domenico C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Place surrounded by nature, a very strong hint of mystical linked to San Giovanni. A beautiful walk with a refreshment point set up with wooden benches and tables. A stone's throw from the famous Certosa di Padula, I highly recommend you visit it. Look at my photos(Original)Posto immerso nella natura, un fortissimo sentore di mistico legato a San Giovanni. Una bellissima passeggiata con un punto ristoro allestito con panche e tavoli in legno. A due passi dalla celebre Certosa di Padula, vi consiglio vivamente di visitarlo. Osservate le mie foto

Sydbar S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Rurally located in a place where you wouldn't expect it. The old church/ruin is in good condition, the surrounding garden is not very tidy, waste and rubbish everywhere.(Original)Landelijk gelegen op een plek waar je het niet verwacht. De oude kerk/ruïne is in goede staat, de omliggende tuin is niet erg netjes, overal afval en rommel.

Johannes O — Google review

(Translated by Google) The early Christian Baptistery of San Giovanni in Fonte is a very suggestive place, the spring that has fed the source for centuries gives the religious building a pleasant feeling of well-being and relaxation. The historic building and the baptismal pools are of a certain architectural value, the space in front is characterized by small streams and there are picnic tables for eating your own food. A destination not to be missed for lovers of beautiful things.(Original)Il Battistero paleocristiano di San Giovanni in Fonte è un luogo molto suggestivo, la sorgente che alimenta da secoli la fonte dona all'edificio religioso una piacevole sensazione di benessere e relax. L'edificio storico e le vasche battesimali sono di un certo pregio architettonico, lo spazio antistante è caratterizzato da piccoli torrenti e ci sono dei tavoli da picnic per consumare il proprio cibo. Una meta da non perdere per gli amanti delle cose belle.

3Digitale I — Google review

(Translated by Google) An enchanted place, suspended in time. Walls from fifteen hundred years ago that still stand solid and imposing on a source of living water that replaces the floor and was used as a baptistery and still always flows new. A place where faith meets history, architecture and nature. Must see at least once in your life.(Original)Un posto incantato, sospeso nel tempo. Mura di millecinquecento anni fa che si ergono ancora solide e imponenti su una fonte di acqua viva che sostituisce il pavimento ed era usata come battistero e tuttora sgorga sempre nuova. Un posto dove la fede si incontra con la storia, l’architettura e la natura. Da vedere almeno una volta nella vita.

Milena C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wonderful place where history and nature come together in a magical embrace. Highly recommended visit.(Original)Posto meraviglioso dove storia e natura si uniscono in un magico abbraccio. Visita consigliatissima.

LUIGI F — Google review

(Translated by Google) The early Christian baptistery located a short distance from the Certosa di San Lorenzo is one of the oldest in the West and certainly deserves to be visited.(Original)Battistero paleocristiano situato a poca distanza dalla Certosa di San Lorenzo è uno dei più antichi di tutto l'occidente e merita sicuramente di essere visitato.

Vanessa F — Google review

(Translated by Google) One is shocked to see such a beautiful and particular religious complex totally abandoned. No guarded entrance, very few indications (one plaque is completely illegible) and the use of the place is left to the adventurous and civic spirit of the visitors. Yet the Baptistery is very interesting, having a truly unique baptismal font, if you consider that it is built on a spring, which feeds the water that flows into the structure in a basin more similar to a cistern than a baptismal font. Obviously the 3 stars are the average between the uniqueness of the place and the non-existent management.(Original)Si rimane interdetti nel vedere un complesso religioso, cosí bello e particolare, totalmente abbandonato. Nessuna entrata custodita, pochissime indicazioni (una targa é completamente illeggibile) ed una fruizione del posto lasciata allo spirito avventuroso e civico dei visitatori. Eppure il Battistero risulta molto interessante, avendo una fonte battesimale davvero singolare, se si pensa che é costruita su una sorgente, che alimenta l'acqua che sgorga nella struttura in un invaso piú simile ad una cisterna che ad una vasca battesimale. Ovviamente le 3 stelle sono la media tra l'unicità del luogo e la inesistente gestione.

Vincenzo P — Google review

(Translated by Google) Special, worth visiting. The park in front of the Baptistery is also nice, with a water source running through it. If you want, you can stop to have a meal as there is a small area equipped for picnics.(Original)Particolare, da visitare. Carino anche il parco antistante al Battistero, attraversato da una fonte d'acqua. Volendo ci si può fermare per consumare un pasto poiché c'è una piccola area attrezzata per i pic-nic.

Gatta S — Google review

(Translated by Google) A unique experience, it is something indescribable what you feel when you arrive at this place... Every time you want I can here I am, with my Colombian heart 🇨🇴 ❤️💯🇮🇹(Original)Una experiencia única, es algo indescriptible lo que se siente cuando uno llega a este lugar... Cada vez quiere puedo aquí estoy, con mi corazón colombiano 🇨🇴 ❤️💯🇮🇹

Kerwin C — Google review


(766)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (52)


(166)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (53)

Via S. Giovanni, 1, 84034 Loc. Fonti, SA, Italy

+39 0975 196 6359

I'll never travel to Salerno without this trip planner again

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36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (54)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (55)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (56)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (57)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (58)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (59)

I will never travel to Salerno without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Ponte Musmeci

Mentioned on

2 lists


Sights & Landmarks

Ponte Musmeci is a unique monument with significant architectural value, offering an ideal setting for enjoying the surrounding greenery and even for practicing skating and skateboarding. Named after its designer, it serves as a crucial connection between the Potenza - Sicignano motorway junction and the city, bypassing various industrial elements. Although in need of maintenance and restoration, it remains a noteworthy site to visit and a popular meeting point.

Great architecture

FRANCESCA A — Google review

(Translated by Google) Place to visit. Meeting point !(Original)Posto da visitare. Punto di incontro !

Roberto T — Google review

The best

Enrico P — Google review

It's ok

ISHMAIL C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Everything needs to be redone, dilapidated structure, without a minimum of maintenance.Nothing has been done under the administration of Mayor Mario Guarente, let's hope in the next ballot the administration will change and we will finally be able to intervene on such an important structure.The renovated bridge is an architectural excellence and flagship of our regional capital.(Original)Tutto da rifare, struttura fatiscente, senza un minimo di manutenzione.Con l'amministrazione del Sindaco Mario Guarente non è stato fatto nulla, speriamo al prossimo ballottaggio cambia amministrazione e finalmente si riesca ad intervenire su una struttura così importante.Il ponte ristrutturato è un'eccellenza architettonica e fiore all'occhiello del nostro capoluogo di regione.

Walter T — Google review

(Translated by Google) A unique monument in its particular architectural value, it would be ideal for an immersion in the greenery or for any training on skates and skateboards. Alas, the degradation has made it subject to restrictions by the superintendency. Waiting for it to be settled and I can spend its worth.(Original)Monumento unico nel suo particolare valore architettonico, sarebbe ideale per un immersione nel verde o per eventuali allenamenti su pattini e skateboard. Ahinoi, il degrado lo ha fatto sottoporre a vincoli da parte della sovraintendenza. Aspettando che sia sistemato e possa spendere per il suo valore.

Guido M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful area for amateur sportsmen or for quiet walks accompanied by the roar of the BASENTO waters. The Musmeci bridge is a nice surprise. The greenery needs to be looked after but I believe that Guarente will immediately restore the place.(Original)Bellissima area per gli sportivi amatoriali o per tranquille passeggiate accompagnate dallo scroscio delle acque del BASENTO. Il ponte Musmeci una bella sorpresa. Il verde va curato ma credo che Guarente provvederà subito a ripristinare il luogo.

Rosanna N — Google review

(Translated by Google) Great architectural work, takes its name from its designer.It connects the junction from the Potenza - Sicignano motorway junction to the city, bypassing the industrial area, the Basento river and the railway line.It would need maintenance and restoration, but......(Original)Grande opera architettonica, prende il nome dal suo progettista.Collega lo svincolo dal raccordo autostradale Potenza - Sicignano alla città, scavalcando zona industriale, fiume Basento e linea ferroviaria.Avrebbe bisogno di manutenzione e restauro, ma......

Domenico S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Lacks basic maintenance.The stability of the bridge should be checked.And clean and take care of the part underneath the bridge(Original)Manca una manutenzione di base.Bisognerebbe verificare la stabilità del ponte.E pulire e curare la parte sottostante al ponte

Gianfranco B — Google review

(Translated by Google) The bridge is extraordinary... it is as if it were painted or modeled in clay... it needs to be enhanced much more, restoring some parts of the structure where the concrete has deteriorated, cleaning and beautifying the part underneath, restoring the guardrails and rethinking the lighting system nocturnal.(Original)Il ponte è straordinario…è come se fosse dipinto o modellato nell’argilla…serve valorizzarlo molto di più, ripristinando alcune parti della struttura dove il cemento si è deteriorato, ripulendo e abbellendo la parte sottostante, ripristinando i guardrail e ripensando il sistema di illuminazione notturna.

Raffaele V — Google review

(Translated by Google) A true work of art. It is accessed from the open space below which is not very well kept and can be walked along its entire length inside.(Original)Una vera e propria opera d'arte. Ci si accede dallo spiazzo sottostante nn molto curato ed è percorribile per tutta la sua lunghezza all'interno.

Giorgio — Google review

(Translated by Google) An architectural and engineering marvel, still little appreciated, on the outskirts of the capital.(Original)Una meraviglia architettonica e ingegneristica, ancora poco valorizzata, alle porte del capoluogo.

Vito C — Google review


(394)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (61)


(130)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (62)

Viadotto dell'Industria, 85100 Potenza PZ, Italy

+39 0971 489411


Museo archeologico nazionale della Basilicata

Mentioned on

3 lists

Archaeological museum


Art museum

Specialty Museums

The Museo archeologico nazionale della Basilicata, located in Potenza and inaugurated in 2005, provides a comprehensive overview of archaeological findings from the entire region. The museum is divided into two floors, showcasing exhibits in chronological and geographical order.


Doee D — Google review

The admission to the museum was very reasonable. We were also pleasantly surprised when we were greeted by Valentino, who was our guide during our visit. She was an excellent guide and explained the history of the artifacts. We learned more about the exhibits than we would have done on our own.We enjoyed our visit to the museum and would recommend it to others. The artifacts are displayed very well.

Barb M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very nice museum, it represents my favorite historical period that is from the pre-colonial age to the Roman age. The exhibits are interesting and very curious. I recommend reading everything in detail, the history of the Sphinx was very important to me. The sphinx was nothing more than a monster that made riddles to passers-by and if they could not solve them, they were devoured. There were many interesting aspects, so I recommend it. Also, the bathrooms were really clean. Finally, the museum is well maintained and clean. I give five stars.(Original)Museo davvero molto carino, rappresenta proprio il mio periodo storico preferito ossia dall'età precoloniale all'età romana. I reperti sono interessanti e molto curiosi. Consiglio di leggere tutto nel dettaglio, mi ha compito molto la storia della Sfinge. La sfinge non era altro che un mostro che faceva degli indovinelli ai passanti e se non riuscivano a risolverli, venivano divorati. Ci sono stati molti aspetti interessanti, per questo lo consiglio. Inoltre, i bagni erano veramente puliti. Infine, il museo è ben curato e pulito. Do cinque stelle.

S V — Google review

The National Museum of Potenza needs no recommendation, as it houses one of the richest and finest archaeological collections in southern Italy and is a must for anyone interested in the pre-Roman past of Basilicata. The collection includes rich burial goods from the Early Iron Age, highlights such as the elaborate assemblages from the Archaic tombs of Braida di Vaglio and exquisite objects from the Lucanian phase of the region. The objects are presented with the greatest care, telling the complex history of Basilicata through the ages, and the museum is still evolving, with an extension of the Roman section in preparation. Many thanks to the whole team for making it an unforgettable visit!

Matthias H — Google review

(Translated by Google) A nice well-kept museum with very helpful staff. Really interesting. Definitely to recommend. A pity that it is poorly reported(Original)Un bel museo ben curato e con personale molto disponibile. Veramente interessante. Sicuramente da consigliare. Un peccato che sia poco segnalato

Elena A — Google review

(Translated by Google) Excellent visit....Our guide AnnamariaProfessional and very kind, always careful in making the most of the time available to make the most of the artistic and cultural resources of our Region..... On this occasion I was also able to finally visit the permanent theater of Potenza, an unforgettable day 👍👌🥳(Original)Visita eccellente....La nostra guida AnnamariaProfessionale e gentilissima sempre attenta nello sfruttare al massimo il tempo a disposizione per valorizzare al nassimo le risorse artistiche e culturali della Nostra Regione.....In questa occasione ho anche potuto visitare finalmente il teatro stabile di Potenza giornata indimenticabile👍👌🥳

Antonio Z — Google review

Musée centré sur les découvertes grecques de la région. L'agencement des salles est faite par site de découverte. De belles pièces à voir. Le musée est sur deux niveaux(Translated by Google)Museum focused on the Greek discoveries of the region. The arrangement of the rooms is made by discovery site. Beautiful pieces to see. The museum is on two levels

Claude P — Google review

Excellent visit...... A local museum with artifacts from the region. Pottery and tools from pre Roman and Roman times .... mosaics are on show too.

Carol C — Google review

(Translated by Google) To the Director and Collaboratorsof the National Archaeological Museum of Basilicata “Dinu Adamesteanu” – PotenzaGood morning.Having returned to Cesena from two days in Potenza, we continue to talk about the beautiful meeting on Thursday 21 March 2024 with your Museum, which involved us for the quantity and quality of the finds, for the care (and passion) with which they were restored and positioned, for the beauty of the building that hosts it, but above all for the hospitality and friendship that we perceived as soon as we entered. We have not felt such a passionate testimony to the roots of your territory in other exhibition spaces, such as those much vaunted in Greece or other Italian cities, which seem to have been created only to attract tourists.No one had told us about this "jewel" that is so important for a visitor to your city, which can also help you understand character, friendship, open looks, the harmony of a vernacular that invites you to meet.We set ourselves the goal of returning definitely, and without having commitments to respect, just to visit the Museum again (the two and a half hours of visit were not enough, and a section was closed for maintenance), and then visit the areas in which these finds were collected, cared for and historically dated.Sincere congratulations to those who have created, maintained and enhanced this vision, which gives roots and cohesion (can we say love?) to the territory and to our country, thinking above all of the young generations. In the silence of your rooms, we had a special meeting with a class of young students who interacted with the finds, the teachers and the curators, and became passionate with great enthusiasm, and also with many moments of silence that demonstrated surprise and emotion.THANK YOU for giving us these hours and making us reflect.At the next meeting. gianfranco&laura-cesena(Original)Alla Direttrice e Collaboratricidel Museo Archeologico Nazionale della Basilicata “Dinu Adamesteanu” – PotenzaBuongiorno.Rientrati a Cesena da una due giorni a Potenza, continuiamo a parlare del bellissimo incontro di giovedì 21 marzo 2024 con il vostro Museo, che ci ha coinvolto per la quantità e qualità dei reperti, per la cura (e la passione) con cui sono stati restaurati e posizionati, per la bellezza del palazzo che lo ospita, ma soprattutto per l’Accoglienza e l’Amicizia che abbiamo percepito appena entrati. Una testimonianza delle radici del vostro territorio così appassionata non l’abbiamo avvertita in altri spazi espositivi, come quelli tanto decantati della Grecia o di altre città italiane, che sembrano realizzati solo per attirare i turisti.Nessuno ci aveva parlato di questo “gioiello” così importante per un visitatore della vostra città, che può aiutare a capire anche il carattere, l’amicizia, gli sguardi aperti, l’armonia di un vernacolo che invita all’incontro.Ci siamo dati l’obiettivo di tornare sicuramente, e senza avere impegni da rispettare, solo per incontrare di nuovo il Museo (le due ore e mezzo di visita non sono bastate, ed una sezione era chiusa per manutenzione), per poi visitare le zone in cui questi reperti sono stati raccolti, curati e storicamente datati.Complimenti sinceri a chi ha realizzato, mantenuto e valorizzato questa visione, che dà radici e coesione (possiamo dire amore?) al territorio e al nostro Paese, pensando soprattutto alle giovani generazioni. Nel silenzio delle vostre sale, abbiamo avuto un incontro speciale con una classe di piccoli studenti che interagivano con i reperti, gli insegnanti ed i curatori, e si appassionavano con grande entusiasmo, ed anche con molti momenti di silenzio che testimoniavano sorpresa ed emozione.GRAZIE di averci regalato queste ore ed averci fatto riflettere.Al prossimo incontro. gianfranco&laura-cesena

Gianfranco R — Google review

(Translated by Google) Great collection, well displayed in a magnificent structure. Enjoyable setups with good descriptions, in clean environments with valid maintenance. Passionate staff dedicated to the cause. The conference room located in the atrium of the structure, covered by a glass roof, is also fascinating.(Original)Grande collezione, ben esposta in una magnifica struttura. Allestimenti godibili con buone descrizioni, in ambienti puliti con manutenzione valida. Personale appassionato e votato alla causa. Affascinante anche la sala convegni sita nell'atrio della struttura, coperto da una tettoia vetrata.

NiK V — Google review

(Translated by Google) Housed in a historic building in the center of the city, it offers a rich display of archaeological finds from the pre-Roman and Roman eras from different areas of Basilicata.(Original)Ospitato in un edificio storico nel centro della città offre una ricca esposizione dei reperti archeologici dele epoche preromana e romana provenienti dalle diverse aree della Basilicata.

Evgenia S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Really nice to help a child start learning about history and the area, it's ideal(Original)Davvero carino per far incominciare un bambino a conoscere la storia e il territorio è l'ideale

GIADA L — Google review

(Translated by Google) Very nice, simple and effective. I liked the division of the route into populations and the accompanying pharmaceutical advertising exhibition.(Original)Molto bello, semplice ed efficace. Ho gradito la suddivisione del percorso in popolazioni e la mostra della pubblicità farmaceutica annessa.

Vittorio M — Google review

(Translated by Google) This museum reminds me of the first time I visited it in middle school. It's always nice to come back for a visit. During the FAI days the guides were very good at explaining the topics and the long history of what is currently a museum. The most interesting part is seeing the tools they use to restore the finds found.(Original)Questo museo mi riporta alla mente la prima volta che lo visitai alle medie. È sempre bello tornarci a fare una visita. Durante le giornate del FAI le guide sono state molto brave ad esporre gli argomenti e la lunga storia di quello che è attualmente museo. La parte più interessante è vedere gli attrezzi che usano per restaurare i reperti rinvenuti.

Tommaso T — Google review


(59)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (63)


(130)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (64)

Via Andrea Serrao, 11, 85100 Potenza PZ, Italy

+39 0971 21719


Campobase Rafting - river Tanagro

Mentioned on

1 list

Tour agency


Canoe & kayak tour agency

River Rafting & Tubing

Campobase Rafting, an exceptional tour agency, offers an unforgettable adventure on the river Tanagro. Their team of skilled professionals is highly organized and passionate about their work. The staff is incredibly friendly and hospitable, providing valuable recommendations for food and drink in the town. Additionally, Campobase's dog CoCo adds a delightful touch to the experience. With stunning scenery along the river stretch despite low water levels, this affordable tour is truly awesome.

very nice experience, highly recommended for the family! Yesterday my wife, 2 daughters aged 7 and 8 and me went rafting. you will be welcomed by very friendly and experienced people. There are also fun stops during the rafting. they also take the time to take nice photos and make video footage themselves! definitely worth a visit when you go on holiday! Greetings Douglas

Douglas T — Google review

Fantastic experience! We did the speleo and rafting. The company is an amazing and very well organized group of professionals. They really enjoy doing what they do and you can tell. The staff was super friendly, actually we spent a lot of talking to the staff because they were so hospitable and friendly. They gave us food and drink recommendations out in the town. Also their dog CoCo is the sweetest 😍 10/10 would do it again and definitely recommend to everyone!

Kimberly W — Google review

Great place to have fun. Very well organized. We were here with a 7 yo son and he also loved it. Exciting and safe as well. You can pay by card.Ricardo, thank you for the guide! :)

Adam Z — Google review

One of the most fun group activities we have done in Italy! The company provided all the rafting gear and great instructions. Perfect activity for beginners and experienced participants alike. There is a place to store belongings, change, and rinse off on site plus plenty of outdoor space to have a picnic after. They provided us lots of awesome photos to remember the day. Everyone had a blast and the scenery was beautiful!!

Amanda C — Google review

My and my girlfriend went rafting with the crew today and had an amazing time! Usually I don’t write reviews (I believe this is my first one actually haha) but since we smiled throughout the whole experience and had such a blast, I could not let this one slide. Special shoutout to Valentina, Humberto and Stefano for making us feel at home! Besides the beautiful and adventurous scenes, the thing that made it so special for us where the people. You guys rock ;) !!

Stijn O — Google review

Awesome experience! The place is really well organised, the crew is amazing and the price is quite cheap!The stretch of river we descended is stunning so the scenery was incredible and even though the water level was low due to the dry weather it was still very good fun. I would definitely do this again!

S M — Google review

Excellent experience and very friendly staff 👍

Simon ( — Google review

Couldn't be happier with our experience! It was an awesome time. Our guide spoke perfect English and made sure we were integrated with the group. The rafting was challenging, but not difficult. A lot of fun, and very well priced.

Jeremy B — Google review

Highly recommended! We had some amazing fun white water rafting with Stefano and his team!

Kelvin C — Google review

Très bonne prestation, équipe agréable et professionnelle. L'ensemble du groupe (10 personnes) a été très satisfait de la sortie !Seul petit point : on aurait aimé un circuit un peu plus technique!Very good service, pleasant and professional team. The all group (10 people) were really satisfied!Just a little thing : we would have liked a little bit more technical tour!Grazie mille Stefano!(Translated by Google)Very good service, pleasant and professional team. The whole group (10 people) was very satisfied with the outing!Only small point: we would have liked a slightly more technical circuit!Very good service, pleasant and professional team. The all group (10 people) were really satisfied!Just a little thing: we would have liked a little bit more technical tour!Grazie mille Stefano!

Ange — Google review


(367)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (65)


(368)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (66)

contrada muraglione 18/20, 84030 Pertosa SA, Italy

+39 338 866 6875



36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (67)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (68)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (69)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (70)

Mentioned on

7 lists

Sights & Landmarks

Historic Sites

Venosa, located in the province of Potenza in the Basilicata region of southern Italy, is a charming town known for its historical and cultural significance. It is surrounded by picturesque comuni and holds the distinction of being one of I Borghi più belli d'Italia (the most beautiful villages in Italy). The birthplace of the renowned Latin poet Horace, Venosa boasts attractions such as the medieval Abbey of SS.


(250)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (71)

85029 Province of Potenza, Italy


Cantine del Notaio soc. agr. ar.l.


Food & Drink

Wineries & Vineyards

Our tour guide Francesca was great! She told us so much history about the cellars where the wine is stored and about the history of the place and the wine itself. The wine tasting and tour is only 35 euro which is a steal for everything you get. You tour the facility for about an hour then taste and discuss 4 wines of your choosing, also for about an hour. The wines are mostly reds created from the aglianico grape. The wines range in price from about 12 euro to 40 euro. Of course there are exceptions but this is the average. The wine has special mineral qualities because of the dormant Vulture volcano soil the grapes are grown in. The only sad thing, they do not ship to the US yet! Not to worry, they have a distributor. If you are in the area I recommend this tour and winery. Almost forgot, bring a jacket as the cellars are chilly. If you forget, no problem, they have jackets to borrow there!

Amanda M — Google review

Just wanted to share a cantina in Basilicata for anyone heading to Matera! 90 mins north there is the Aglianico del Vulture DOC region and the Cantina del Notaio (cantina of the notary). You walk through an underground maze of about half a dozen caves from the '400-'600 built by franciscan friars to make divine wine while treating the sick. The barrels are still stored there today! We also had a chance to taste their two most popular wines: la firma and sigillo (clever names lol). Sigillo reminds me of the amarone-very rich, good with a fiorentina steak and you can taste the tannins-It takes about 4 years to bottle. La Firma was my personal favorite-2 years to bottle so a younger wine.

Kathryn G — Google review

Now back in the UK we have a great wine shop and owner that we've known for years. He also has family in the region, Basilicata. And he supplies us this wine. So we thought, let's go straight to the shop. We had a tour and some wine tasting, just the snacks, unfortunately not meats and cheese (next time). So off we went into the sellers and where the tour began. Fantastic story and explanation of what makes this wine special. We tasted two wines and loved them both. Should you gobif near, yes. The tour we took was €10 each, to be honest that's cheap and well worth the value. 👍👍🍷🍷

Mark D — Google review

On your way to Monticchio lakes or as standalone visit, this is THE warm place to stop by for quality wine tasting and guided visits to their very own ancient Franciscan volcanic tuff caves 🍷

Luigi L — Google review

The guided tour was extraordinary and the passion for wines and the history of the place has been greatly delivered by Fabiana, our guide. I highly recommend a visit if you happen to be around. The “Sigillo” is a most-try.

Davide S — Google review

If you visit only one winery in Basilicata, it should be this one. Notaio is a stellar producer, with noteworthy wines. But their tasting room and aging cellar definitely highlight the tasting experience, and shouldn't be missed. I won't ruin the surprise -just go, and enjoy the experience!

Valerie — Google review

Very nice dégustation with enthusiastic people and marvelous wine. Don't miss it!

Peter J — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful experience lived in the cellar, with assistance and engaging explanations from our guardian angel, Alessandro. The first part of the visit to the caves which are located under the structure and which have been inhabited and used in various historical periods is interesting. In the rooms, whose walls exude the history of real life, bottles that are over 60 years old and barrels used for aging wine are on display. The second part is dedicated to tastings of four different wines, presented in a precise order that takes into account the logic of increasing alcohol content and structure. The accompaniment of plates of local cured meats and cheeses and excellent ricotta is necessary and appreciated. The third part is the necessary purchase of the excellent wines, with a 10% discount if made after the visit. Compliments !(Original)Bellissima esperienza vissuta in Cantina, con assistenza e spiegazioni coinvolgenti da parte del nostro Angelo custode, Alessandro. Interessante la prima parte della visita nelle grotte che si trovano sotto la struttura e che sono state abitate ed utilizzate in varie epoche storiche. Nei locali, le cui pareti trasudano storia di vita vissuta, sono in esposizione bottiglie che hanno anche oltre 60 anni e botti utilizzate per l'invecchiamento del vino. La seconda parte é dedicata agli assaggi di quattro vini differenti, presentati con un preciso ordine che tiene conto della logica della crescente gradazione alcolica e struttura. Necessario e gradito l'accompagnamento di piatti di salumi e formaggi locali e di una ottima ricotta. La terza parte é il doveroso acquisto degli ottimi vini, con uno sconto del 10% se effettuati dopo la visita. Complimenti !

Vincenzo P — Google review


Gelsomina — Google review


(367)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (72)


(737)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (73)

Via Roma, 159, 85028 Rionero In Vulture PZ, Italy

+39 0972 723689

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36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (74)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (75)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (76)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (77)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (78)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (79)

I will never travel to Salerno without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Cascate di San Fele

Nature & Parks


Cascate di San Fele is a picturesque natural attraction featuring a network of trails that connect various waterfalls of different heights in hilly, forested terrain. Visitors can enjoy a leisurely stroll along the trail and admire the scenic beauty of the falls amidst fall foliage. Although some visitors have commented on outdated and unclear signage, there are still plenty of waterfalls to discover in this charming location in Basilicata.

A really beautiful spot in nature, a set of around 7 waterfalls, a couple of which can’t be accessed because of landslide damage. The ones you can visit are just a short walk from the town of San Fele and are really lovely and completely free to enter. The water is cool and clear, some people were swimming but it was too cold for me!

Joshua S — Google review

Beautiful spot for a walk in the woods!We enjoyed a pleasant visit to the falls and viewed some wonderful fall scenery along the way. Some other Italian groups out for the same… made for a great outing!The signs are pretty old and impossible to read, so no way to “plan” the walk and route. Hence, 4 stars. Otherwise really nice!

Thomas B — Google review

A very beautiful place, it was relaxing to walk along the trail and discover the small waterfalls, I love Basilicata, it's all to discover!

Antonia L — Google review

Great walk and good number of waterfalls. Signage is not the best if you want to see the ones that are further from the centre.

Martin R — Google review

They are nice to see but if the pathway is wet it's almost impossible to go downstairs

Sonia C — Google review

Nice walk

Martyna F — Google review

Quiet cool in the heat of the day and water everywhere

Will T — Google review

There are 10 small waterfall and most of them is very difficult to reach. The entire circuit is about 9 milles. Is not easy to do. This year it almost don't have water

Sandra G — Google review


(2307)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (81)


(378)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (82)

Via, Corso Umberto I, 13, 85020 San Fele PZ, Italy

+39 371 435 9379


Lago di Monticchio Piccolo


Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

(Translated by Google) Spectacular place! On arriving at the small lake, there are picnic areas, restaurants and bars. It is possible to rent bikes and pedal boats, but also take a carriage ride with horses. All very organized. Around the small lake there is a walk that allows you to go around it. From there it is possible to walk to the Abbey of San Michele along a rather steep and tiring road.(Original)Luogo spettacolare! Arrivati al lago piccolo, ci sono aree picnic, ristoranti e bar. È possibile affittare bici e pedalò, ma anche fare un giro in carrozza con i cavalli. Tutto molto organizzato. Intorno al lago piccolo c'è un passeggio che permette di girarci attorno. Da lì è possibile arrivare a piedi all'Abazia di San Michele percorrendo una stradina abbastanza ripida e faticosa.

Osvaldo L — Google review

A beautiful afternoon walking around the smaller lake paths. Picturesque, full of beautiful flora and fauna, and hot but lovely weather.Upon parking, we were met with a gorgeous pair of white horses ready to give carriage rides. We didn't go on a ride, but I imagine it being a lovely way to view the park.Wonderful food at the restaurant Mecca (right on the water!). The waitress was a sweetheart. The food so tasty.The white church was stunning, as the platform where the priest would stand is abutting the mountain stone. Magnificent. Although I cannot seem to find it here on G-maps, it is to see!My only complaint was that some of the pathways were destroyed by rain, and never fixed. Could be recent, might not be? No idea, but one path (below the white church), was so bad it deterred us from continuing down to a spot near the water. (That is why a star was removed.)There is an older stone church ruins, too. (further into the pathways, not right off the water)... ancient. It is gated but makes for fantastic photos. There is also a water fountain just near it for drinking and refreshing. Wow!One of the shops we visited had a lot of cute things to sell, but they were obviously dated and dusty. Yes, part of that could be because wind and dust are part of nature, but I tend to think objects have sat there a while. I still purchased some things.Worth going back to revisit, but also to explore the bigger lake!I didn't notice standalone bathrooms.Bathrooms are found in restaurants where a small purchase of water, gum, candy, potato chips would be welcome, but not necessarily required. Ask within.The walking pathways around the lakes are wheelchair accessible.There are stairs to get into the white church by the smaller lake, so not easily wheelchair accessible. The pathways down the incline by the white church are not wheelchair accessible, either.As some have said, there is a lack of maintenance in certain respects, and there are many abandoned restaurants, but they do NOT take away from the experience, in my opinion.

Celita P — Google review

Peaceful, wonderful place for walk

Janet C — Google review


Antonio T — Google review

(Translated by Google) I went there with my family in June for a nature walk. We spent a pleasant day... we took a tour of the lake on a pedal boat, had lunch in a small restaurant right near the lake and finally a carriage ride to visit the large lake of Monticchio. Unfortunately the place is a bit "abandoned to itself" (the dirty benches as well as the little street for the walk) perhaps due to the fact that the working season has not yet started in June.(Original)Ci sono stata con la famiglia a giugno per una passeggiata nella natura . Abbiamo trascorso una piacevole giornata … abbiamo fatto un giro del lago in pedalò ,pranzato in un ristorantino proprio vicino al lago infine un giro in carrozza per visitare il lago grande di Monticchio . Il posto purtroppo è un po’ “ abbandonato a se stesso “ ( le panchine sporche come anche la stradina per la passeggiata ) forse dovuto al fatto che in giugno ancora non è iniziata la stagione lavorativa .

Piera D — Google review

(Translated by Google) If you are visiting Lake Piccolo di Monticchio, don't forget to admire the village of the gnomes. Leaving the adjacent parking area behind you, head towards the shore and then observe the roots of the trees located just before on the right.(Original)Se siete in visita al Lago Piccolo di Monticchio non dimenticate di ammirare il villaggio degli gnomi. Lasciata alle spalle l'area di parcheggio adiacente, dirigetevi verso riva ed osservate quindi le radici degli alberi che si trovano poco prima a destra.

Marco D — Google review

(Translated by Google) Wonderful rediscovery of this naturalistic place, frequented as a child. You can find satisfying lakefront dining facilities and souvenir shops at various. The rickshaw ride around the lake was pleasant and fun. A boat service is also available to rent a pedal boat or take a group tour on board a boat.(Original)Meravigliosa riscoperta di questo luogo naturalistico, frequentato da bambina. È possibile trovare soddisfacenti servizi di ristorazione fronte lago e negozi di souvenir a vari. Piacevole e divertente è stato il giro con il risciò intorno al lago. È disponibile anche il servizio imbarcazioni per noleggiare un pedalò o effettuare un giro di gruppo a bordo di un battello.

Daniela D — Google review

(Translated by Google) A beautiful and uncontaminated place and in winter it is also very quiet, a shame about the lack of some essential services but visiting the nearby suggestive abbey by taking a short and relaxing walk makes you forget this small flaw.(Original)Posto bello e incontaminato e d'inverno è anche molto tranquillo, peccato della mancanza di alcuni servizi essenziali ma visitare la vicina suggestiva abbazia facendo una breve e rilassante passeggiata fa dimenticare questo piccolo neo.

Davide U — Google review

(Translated by Google) Monticchio is a hamlet belonging to the municipalities of Rionero in Vulture and Atella, in the province of Potenza. Located on the slopes of Monte Vulture, one of the oldest volcanoes in the southern Apennines, it preserves a colorful environmental heritage, which makes Monticchio a destination for visitors especially in the summer period. The Lago Piccolo di Monticchio regional reserve was established in 1971, representing the natural habitat of a rare endemic species of nocturnal butterfly, the European Brahmaea.(Original)Monticchio è una frazione appartenente ai comuni di Rionero in Vulture ed Atella, in provincia di Potenza. Situata alle pendici del Monte Vulture, uno dei più antichi vulcani dell'appennino meridionale, conserva un variopinto patrimonio ambientale, che rende Monticchio una meta di visitatori soprattutto nel periodo estivo. Dal 1971 è stata istituita la riserva regionale Lago piccolo di Monticchio, che rappresenta l'habitat naturale di una rara specie endemica di farfalla notturna, la Brahmaea europea.

La A — Google review

(Translated by Google) The small lake has a perimeter of 1800 metres, steep banks and a depth of up to 38 metres. ANDa nice place to relax and spend a different day, immersed in nature. In summerit is possible to rent a pedalo or take a group tour on the boat.There is a promenade around the lake that allows you to go around it and get to the Abbey of San Michele which is worth a visit.There are refreshment areas and some souvenir shops.(Original)Il lago piccolo ha un perimetro di 1800 metri, sponde ripide e una profondità che può arrivare fino a 38 metri. Èun posto carino per rilassarsi e trascorrere una giornata diversa, immersi nella natura. In estateè possibile noleggiare un pedalò o effettuare un giro di gruppo sul battello.Intorno al lago c'è un passeggio che permette di girarci attorno e di arrivare all'Abbazia di San Michele che merita di essere visitata.Ci sono luoghi di ristoro e qualche negozietto di souvenir.

Anna F — Google review


(105)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (83)


(464)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (84)

85020 Atella, Province of Potenza, Italy


Abbey Goleto


Sights & Landmarks

Sacred & Religious Sites

What an amazing place we stumbled upon after eating at an excellent restaurant nearby. Well worth a visit.

Gina D — Google review

Very nice restored abbey. Good location for a day trip and for events. There is a good restaurant very close: Hotel ‘Il Goleto’.

Michele C — Google review

Right now they are doing maintenance but generally it's a very beautiful place to visit. Very calm and relaxing

Alessandro F — Google review

Beautyful early Abby built in the early 1100's A trove of Roman era spoila built in the bell tower and walls.

Donny M — Google review

Wonderful place

Michele S — Google review

Historical place, a gateway to the universe

Louis S — Google review

try to find the swallow bird ;)

Jonathan V — Google review


Gabriele M — Google review

Loved it

Eileen D — Google review


(1038)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (85)


(175)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (86)

Via S. Guglielmo, 83054 Sant'Angelo dei Lombardi AV, Italy

+39 0827 24432


Cathedral of Santa Maria degli Angeli, San Matteo and San Gregorio VII

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (87)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (88)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (89)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (90)

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18 lists

Catholic cathedral

Sights & Landmarks

The Catholic cathedral Cattedrale di Santa Maria degli Angeli, San Matteo e San Gregorio VII is an ornate church with a large bell tower, pipe organ and numerous mosaics, statues and relics dating back to the year 1084. Visitors can also admire the historic landmarks of Salerno such as Castello di Arechi and Lungomare Trieste while learning about the local heritage. The cathedral's atrium is pleasant but its interior lacks impressive features despite Moriah decorations.

Nice feeling. The cathedral is nice but the crypt is stunning. I could have stayed there forever. There was a service going on with singing when I went; it made it even better.

Ali S — Google review

We visited on a weekday, and fortunately, due to lunchtime, the church was nearly empty, making it incredibly easy for us to take pictures and then sit and relax in the tranquility of the environment. The marble work was exceptional, and the artistic details were simply stunning.

Mazhar H — Google review

The cathedral's atrium is really nice, however the inside is not very remarkable, despite the Moriah decorations.What is remarkable though is that the cathedral apparently has St. Matthew's tomb.

Sander H — Google review

I loved the mosaics so colorful and also being of primarily women. Mary and many angels which you typically don’t see at churches. Plus the geometric shapes on the alters. So great that they offer QR code to look up to get the background on what you are seeing. It was a really nice church.

Brenda M — Google review

One of the most magnificent cathedrals we have ever seen. Must see if you are anywhere near Salerno. We saw many cathedrals, churches etc while in Italy and this one is at the top of the list. Underground is the tomb of St. Matthew the Apostle which is even more breathtaking than the cathedral. Mosaics every inch.

Art B — Google review

Der Dom von Salerno ist auf alle Fälle einen Besuch wert. Der Eintritt ist frei und man kann, wenn man möchte etwas für den Erhalt des Ganzen Ensembles etwas spenden. Die Krypta ist sehr sehenswert und man sollte diese auf gar keinen Fall auslassen. Der Dom ist gut in einen Stadtspaziergang mit einzubinden.(Translated by Google)The Cathedral of Salerno is definitely worth a visit. Admission is free and if you want you can donate something to help maintain the entire ensemble. The crypt is well worth seeing and you definitely shouldn't miss it. The cathedral is easy to include in a city walk.

Tommy — Google review

It is nice to sit on the stairs during sunnyday 🌞

Laco. Z — Google review

Amazing place, the cript is something that I have not seen before, the details on the ceiling.

Alexandru C — Google review

The Cathedral of Salerno, a sacred sentinel nestled within the heart of the city, stands as a timeless testament to the spiritual heritage of this ancient Italian enclave. Its soaring spires and weathered stones bear witness to centuries of devotion, each stone imbued with the whispers of countless prayers, the echoes of celestial harmonies.This venerable cathedral, a masterpiece of architectural splendor, is a symphony of styles, a tapestry woven by the hands of time. Its roots stretch back to the 11th century, a majestic blend of Norman and Romanesque influences, with its mighty columns and rounded arches that evoke a sense of solemnity and grace.As one crosses the threshold of this sacred sanctum, they are greeted by a luminous nave, bathed in the ethereal glow of stained glass windows that dance with the hues of a thousand sunsets. The flickering candlelight casts flickering shadows upon the ancient frescoes that adorn the walls, each brushstroke a testament to the devotion of artists who sought to capture the divine in pigment and canvas.Above, a soaring vaulted ceiling seems to touch the heavens, its intricate ribbed patterns resembling the very fingers of angels reaching down to caress the faithful below. A sense of awe envelops those who stand beneath this celestial canopy, a reminder of the divine majesty that has inspired countless souls through the ages.Within the hallowed depths of the cathedral lies a treasury of relics and sacred artifacts, each a fragment of the city's storied past, each a link to the eternal. Pilgrims and seekers of solace alike come to kneel before these sacred relics, their whispered prayers ascending like incense to the heavens.And so, the Cathedral of Salerno endures, a living testament to faith and artistry, a beacon of hope in a world ever-changing. It is a place where time itself seems to stand still, where the mortal and the divine converge in a timeless dance of devotion and grace.

Ugo S — Google review

Beautiful old cathedral there is loads of steps to get up but worth it

Christine M — Google review

Such a beautiful church! We visited kinda late so unfortunately we couldnt enter some areas but it was still gorgeous

Talia K — Google review

I totally agree that any archaic paintings take money to preserve and maintain. But a regional duomo that charges €10 and bundles with other insignificant (yeah, that’s the word, because there are many things to see in the world) buildings? I’ll spend time on the beautiful ocean instead.

Etienne R — Google review

Very pretty yet simple at ground level while incredibly intricate top to bottom in the crypt. A must see even if you aren't religious. Many sarcophagi from 12th-18th centuries.

Scott D — Google review

Very beautiful and charming in Salerno Italy. I think I am so lucky to have a chance to visit the Cathedral of Santa Maria. The ticket was € 6 for the senior and you can use it to visit the museum as well. So I highly recommend that anyone go to Salerno Italy 🇮🇹 ❤️🌷

Sudha L — Google review

Super gorgeous. Don’t miss the crypt downstairs. That’s the best part.

Tina C — Google review

Somebody else mentioned it is free to visit but it definitely was not when we went unless the fee was misleading and was only meant for the other two sites, the museum of the diocese and the smaller church nearby. The entry for all 3 sites cost 10 Euro for adults and 6 Euro for children. As others mentioned, the crypt of the cathedral is stunning and well worth seeing. The church nearby is very ornate but small. I could have skipped that as I have found the museum more interesting.

Ganime A — Google review

Very beautiful, it's free to enter, and I would recommend paying 1 euro to go downstairs and see the burial chamber.

Filip J — Google review

This church is definitely a hidden gem in this busy and materialism metro.It is completely open to the public. Its rich history is embedded in the chapels. And the statues weather there in the courtyard or inside of the cathedral.It's breathtaking to walk down the aisle or sit at the per bench. There is no one hovering overyou when you walk around, sit down, or touch the history to feel the life from the subjects there on display.Make sure you read all the displays and check out each chapel. A good one hour stop is definitely worthwhile.

Jon H — Google review

This is an incredibly beautiful and characterful cathedral worth visiting if you’re in Salerno. It was a Sunday when we visited and the morning mass was finishing so we entered for free. The courtyard is picturesque with some old statues and the bell tower above. The inside of the cathedral is strikingly white with a painted dome which is quite a nice contrast. It’s filled with natural light so it’s worth a stop to spend some time.

Andrew R — Google review

I came here 2 years ago. The crypt was the most beautiful thing I saw in 3 weeks travelling in Italy, perhaps in my whole life.Reading the other reviews I see that they have since started charging. I understand why pilgrims are upset about this, but if you’re a tourist, I’d say just bite the bullet and buy the ticket.

Bradley P — Google review

Must be part of any visit to Salerno. Crypt is out of this world

Boris L — Google review


(5116)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (91)


(2486)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (92)

Piazza Alfano I, 84125 Salerno SA, Italy

+39 089 231387


Villa Comunale di Salerno

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (93)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (94)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (95)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (96)

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+21 other lists

Community garden

Sights & Landmarks

The Villa Comunale di Salerno is a lush public park with refreshing shaded walkways, elegant sculptures and the historic Fontana del Tullio dating back to 1790. This delightful garden offers respite from the heat of summer and is a small but stunning oasis in the heart of the city. Visitors can also enjoy water ice, a local specialty similar to Italian granita, available within its grounds just like in Philly or Manyunk.

Very nice place to sit and rest !!! It has magical Christmas decoration! I adore the Garden of Salerno!!!!

Evelina L — Google review

Just nice and relaxing. They have a pond with Kois and Tortoises. Nice place when it’s warm. It’s gated so good for little kids as well.

Otto D — Google review

An amazing moment of the year (December)

Giorgio V — Google review

Nice and calm place. Full with various plants and benches.

Stella P — Google review

Small but beautiful park. An enjoyment during the hot summer

Sviatoslav S — Google review

You can get water ice here just like in Philly and Manyunk.

Chris N — Google review

Very nice garden, with a lot of shade to stay in the hot summer days!

Sivan E — Google review

A Little gewel for the city centre of Salerno It has Inside a big variety of plants and a Little pony. You can taste insiede the traditional Amalfi coast lemon granita. Is available a pubblic toilet.

Rob X — Google review

Very clean, plenty of shade, beautiful views, lots of benches and nice foliage

Blake F — Google review

A beautiful park.

Yordan Y — Google review


(2302)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (98)


(2209)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (99)

Via Roma, 84100 Salerno SA, Italy

I'll never travel to Salerno without this trip planner again

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36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (100)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (101)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (102)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (103)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (104)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (105)

I will never travel to Salerno without this app againAvailable on the App Store


Villa Comunale di Salerno

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (107)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (108)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (109)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (110)

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+21 other lists

Community garden

Sights & Landmarks

The Villa Comunale di Salerno is a lush public park with refreshing shaded walkways, elegant sculptures and the historic Fontana del Tullio dating back to 1790. This delightful garden offers respite from the heat of summer and is a small but stunning oasis in the heart of the city. Visitors can also enjoy water ice, a local specialty similar to Italian granita, available within its grounds just like in Philly or Manyunk.

Very nice place to sit and rest !!! It has magical Christmas decoration! I adore the Garden of Salerno!!!!

Evelina L — Google review

Just nice and relaxing. They have a pond with Kois and Tortoises. Nice place when it’s warm. It’s gated so good for little kids as well.

Otto D — Google review

An amazing moment of the year (December)

Giorgio V — Google review

Nice and calm place. Full with various plants and benches.

Stella P — Google review

Small but beautiful park. An enjoyment during the hot summer

Sviatoslav S — Google review

You can get water ice here just like in Philly and Manyunk.

Chris N — Google review

Very nice garden, with a lot of shade to stay in the hot summer days!

Sivan E — Google review

A Little gewel for the city centre of Salerno It has Inside a big variety of plants and a Little pony. You can taste insiede the traditional Amalfi coast lemon granita. Is available a pubblic toilet.

Rob X — Google review

Very clean, plenty of shade, beautiful views, lots of benches and nice foliage

Blake F — Google review

A beautiful park.

Yordan Y — Google review


(2302)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (112)


(2209)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (113)

Via Roma, 84100 Salerno SA, Italy


Giardino della Minerva

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (114)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (115)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (116)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (117)

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+25 other lists

Botanical garden

Nature & Parks


Giardino della Minerva is an ancient and peaceful botanical garden that boasts rare plant species, terraces, and stunning vistas. Visitors can gain access for a small fee, and students at Croatian universities may even be eligible for a discount. It's important to note that your Green Pass must be shown upon entry. Although not spacious, the garden offers a serene environment where one can pause to reflect while admiring the beautiful landscape. Overall, it's an exceptional attraction well worth visiting.

Amazing garden with a lovely view of the city and the sea below 🪴 the walk up to the garden is beautiful and scenic. my friends and I spent a lot of time venturing the garden, reading all about the plants, following their irrigation system, admiring the fish, and taking in the beauty of it all very picturesque place to be ❤️

Ayye Y — Google review

Could not recommend highly enough. Fantastic, beautiful, and simple. It wasn't overly crowded and the paths were stunning.There's a shop that sells tea made from the herbs grown there. It's a peaceful place with a good view of the city. I loved it so much I went twice, and would definitely make a point to go again if I ever return to Salerno.

Katherine K — Google review

Wonderful and unique gardens with beautiful views. A lovely place to take a deep breath and ponder.

Jan T — Google review

What a delight with beautiful views, picturesque garden walkways, and even better, the elevator works to whisk you up to this special place. The video about the site's history has English subtitles, so you can learn the unique history. Do not miss it.

D. R — Google review

Stunning garden with 5 terraces and lots of history. Beautiful views of the city. Great explanation of the way botany and medicine were linked and how doctors used to treat illnesses. Feels like a hidden gem as even in the height of summer so few people were there

DeeRaman — Google review

Nu ratati daca sunteți in Salerno,e un institut botanic,gradina este o oaza de relaxare in zilele calduroase,e liniste,lume ff putina,urcati pana la ea cu un lift,e si o mica terasa unde servesc ceaiuri si bere artizanala facuta de ei cu plantele din gradina,la intoarcere puteti sa vizitati si Domul sau Vila comunale,care e un parc central .(Translated by Google)Don't miss it if you're in Salerno, it's a botanical institute, the garden is an oasis of relaxation on hot days, it's quiet, there's not much traffic, go up to it with an elevator, there's also a small terrace where they serve teas and craft beer made by them with the plants from the garden, on your return you can also visit the Cathedral or the Communal Villa, which is a central park.

Florenta A — Google review

One of the most beautiful gardens I’ve ever visited. Definitely worth the 1€ entrance. Gives you the prettiest views of Salerno.

Liza O — Google review

Amazing garden with a lot of history. There is an elevator that will take you from Centro storica. The views are also amazing.

Keith O — Google review

This place is an unique botanical garden where you can enter for just 1.5€ if you're at college (we are students from Croatia and the lady who sells tickets didn't even ask for a Student Card as a proof).The news is that you need to show your GREEN PASS. They will check it before enter. ⚠️The garden isn't big, we spent there about 45 minutes but it's nice and the view is amazing. 🏙️I would return here! 💚

Lucia L — Google review

Cool place in hot summer day. Lots of steps to go there. But the views will recompense all the sweat. Ticket cost 3 euro per adult.

Tad O — Google review

Good for herbalists. Small range of exhibits but good for a visit with coffee by the terrace. Gravity drainage system with retaining pools and small channels.

Good E — Google review

Excellent museum / botanical garden! I love that visitors are informed about the Salerno Medical School and its impact on medicine back in the days before entering the garden.It's exciting to see how all of those plants were seen as "exotic", because they are now quite common. Excellent way of incorporating the historical facts into the garden as well.These plants are classified as cold or warm, dry or wet – in line with the four elements which dominated the view on medicine at the Salerno Medical School. There's also a way to get more information via QR codes.And please DO stay for a cup of tea, because it is so delicious. The different kinds of tea are also classified by the selection of the plants and herbs used, which is a really nice touch.

Alex H — Google review


(3649)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (119)


(1013)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (120)

Vicolo Ferrante Sanseverino, n° 1, 84121 Salerno SA, Italy

+39 089 252423


Centro Storico

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (121)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (122)

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (123)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (124)

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+9 other lists

Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

The Centro Storico in Salerno is a must-visit, offering a fascinating exploration of the city's rich history dating back to ancient times. The area has been continuously inhabited, bearing witness to significant events that have shaped its character. Walking through Centro Storico allows visitors to immerse themselves in the storied past of Salerno and experience its enduring legacy firsthand.


(1337)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (126)

Salerno, SA, Italy


Il Caffè Letterario

Permanently closed



Sights & Landmarks

Points of Interest & Landmarks

(Translated by Google) Trendy place. Frequented by young people. Live music. Ideal for celebrating birthdays, graduations. Friendly and helpful staff.(Original)Locale di tendenza. Frequentato da giovani. Musica dal vivo. Ideale per festeggiare compleanni, laurea. Personale cordiale e disponibile.

Felix R — Google review


Kibero81 — Google review

(Translated by Google) In Avellino, there are few places where you can go with friends to sip an aperitif, tea or chocolate in peace with friends. One of these is certainly the literary café. The location is really beautiful and welcoming, and during the summer you can also enjoy a large terrace. The three stars are for the wasted opportunity. What could be a real point of reference among the Avellino clubs often finds itself managed very badly. Almost every time I went there, choosing from the menus, I was told "it's finished - we've finished it". Furthermore, when you stop for an aperitif you are offered a miserable tarallini. missed opportunity, but I hope it can improve.(Original)Ad Avellino, sono pochi i locali in cui recarsi con amici per sorseggiare un aperitivo, un tè o una cioccolata in tranquillità con amici. Uno di questi è sicuramente il Caffè letterario. La location è davvero bella, ed accogliente, inoltre durante l'estate è possibile godere anche di una ampia terrazza. Le tre stelle sono per l'occasione sprecata. Quello che potrebbe essere un vero riferimento tra i locali avellinesi, si trova spesso ad essere gestito malissimo. Quasi ogni volta che mi ci sono recato, scegliendo dai menù presenti, mi sono sentito rispondere "è finito - l'abbiamo terminato". Inoltre, quando ci si ferma per un aperitivo viene proposta una misera tarallini. occasione persa, ma spero che possa migliorare.

Marcello D — Google review

(Translated by Google) Cozy place, with soft lights and well-arranged tables. Excellent for spending a quiet evening with friends sipping wine and good for organizing small parties. There is always music playing in the background and several DJs offering their service. Staff not always friendly. There is only one bathroom for women and men and perhaps it is unhygienic but still quite clean. It also has a smoking room with tables and sofas. It definitely goes on the list of places to try!(Original)Locale accogliente, con luci soffuse e tavoli ben disposti. Ottimo per trascorrere una serata tranquilla tra amici sorseggiando vino e buono per organizzare piccole feste. C'è sempre musica in sottofondo e diversi DJ che offrono il loro servizio. Personale non sempre cordiale. C'è un unico bagno per donne e uomini e forse è poco igienico però comunque abbastanza pulito. Dispone anche di una sala fumatori con tavoli e divanetti. Sicuramente entra nella lista dei locali da provare!

Jessica C — Google review

(Translated by Google) They often organize events with good music, and it's an ideal time to make new friends or spend time with your family among lots of people(Original)Spesso organizzano eventi con buona musica, ed è un momento ideale per fare nuove amicizie o trascorrere del tempo con i propri in mezzo a tanta gente

Angelo M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Quiet place to spend a few evenings in company, even with live music.(Original)Posto tranquillo dove trascorrere qualche serata in compagnia, anche con musica dal vivo.

Chris S — Google review

(Translated by Google) Nice place to hang out in quiet environmentToo bad a negative note on the courtesy of the staff(Original)Bel posto dove intrattenersi ambiente tranquilloPeccato una nota negativa sulla cortesia del personale

Giovanni V — Google review

(Translated by Google) Nice location, but the products offered are nothing exceptional and the prices are a little high.(Original)Bella location, ma sui prodotti offerti nulla di eccezionale e prezzi un po alti.

Pasquale N — Google review


(53)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (127)


(113)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (128)

43,, Via Brigata Avellino, 41, 83100 Avellino AV, Italy

+39 392 767 4039


Country Sport Avellino

Mentioned on

1 list

Sports complex

Fun & Games

Dance school

Fitness center

Public swimming pool

Soccer field

Great pools greater views

Mj P — Google review

Superbe piscine, détente assurée, idéal en famille dans un bel environnement. Gard (France )(Translated by Google)Superb swimming pool, relaxation guaranteed, ideal for families in a beautiful environment. Gard (France)

Louna C — Google review

Very nice and professional

Filomena M — Google review

Goog very good

Margarita B — Google review

Super sympa merci(Translated by Google)Super nice thank you

Claudio M — Google review


Olha B — Google review

(Translated by Google) First time in this structure taking advantage of the afternoon entrance. Convenient parking, smooth queue at the entrance thanks to the courteous and efficient staff. After 2.00pm full admission costs €10. Each customer has their own card to access through the turnstiles. One is of a different color and on the latter it is possible to top up the credit to consume in the refreshment points. There are also lockers in the changing rooms to store unnecessary things in the pool and you can get the padlock at reception leaving a deposit of €5 which will be refunded upon exit. Changing rooms, bathrooms and lockers are clean. The swimming pools, sunbeds and common areas are tidy, clean and well maintained. The bars are stocked with sandwiches, drinks and ice creams with higher but average prices. Hot and cold showers according to taste.I didn't give five stars because the sinks in the men's bathrooms did not have soap in the dispensers and in relation to the rates I verified the absence of concessions for the disabled or for care givers which I instead found in other similar structures.For the rest it is a structure that I recommend to all children and families.(Original)Prima volta in questa struttura usufruendo dall'ingresso pomeridiano. Parcheggio comodo, fila scorrevole all'ingresso grazie al personale cortese ed efficiente. Dopo le 14.00 l'ingresso intero costa € 10. Ogni avventore ha la sua card per accedere attraverso dei tornelli. Una è di colore diverso e su quest'ultima è possibile ricaricare il credito per consumare nei punti ristoro. Ci sono anche gli armadietti negli spogliatoi per riporre le cose non necessarie in piscina e il lucchetto è possibile prenderlo alla reception lasciando una cauzione di € 5 che verrà rimborsata all'uscita. Spogliatoi, bagni e armadietti sono puliti. Le piscine, i lettini e le aree comune sono ordinate, pulite e ben manutenute. I bar sono forniti di panini, bibite e gelati con prezzi maggiorati ma nella media. Docce calde e fredde a seconda dei gusti.Non ho dato le cinque stelle perché i lavandini dei bagni dei maschi erano sprovvisti di sapone nei dispenser e relativamente alle tariffe ho verificato l'assenza di agevolazioni per i disabili o per i care giver che ho invece ritrovato in altre strutture similari.Per il resto è una struttura che consiglio a tutti i ragazzi e alle famiglie.

Fadalte — Google review

(Translated by Google) I was at the opening of this wonderful facility. We felt at home. Trained and super attentive staff. The pools are spacious and clean. I was enchanted by the cuisine which delighted us with fresh first courses at exceptional prices. The fun entertainers and the family atmosphere made my day perfect. I can't wait to go back!(Original)Sono stato all’apertura di questa meravigliosa struttura. Ci siamo sentiti a casa. Personale preparato e super attento. Le piscine sono spaziose e pulite. Sono rimasto incantato dalla cucina che ci ha deliziati con primi freschi a prezzi eccezionali. Gli animatori divertenti e il clima familiare hanno reso perfetta la mia giornata. Non vedo l’ora di tornarci!

Sir C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful day, happy island in Avellino, well kept, organized and clean, friendly and welcoming staff. The only constraint is that you cannot bring food from outside and therefore adapt to what they offer you.(Original)Bellissima giornata, isola felice in quel di Avellino, tenuta bene organizzata e pulita, personale gentile ed accogliente. L'unica forzatura è che non puoi portare da mangiare da fuori e quindi adattarti a quello che ti propongono.

Daniela B — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful structure, an excellent choice for me and my family! We enjoyed a space weekend, a successful mini holiday, it felt like being in a Caribbean resort! STUPENDOUS! Fun entertainment, delicious food, excellent quality/price ratio.(Original)Bellissima struttura, un ottima scelta per me e la mia famiglia! Ci siamo goduti un weekend spaziale, mini vacanza riuscita, sembra di stare in un resort dei Caraibi! STUPENDO! Animazione divertente, cibo squisito, ottima qualità prezzo.

Pietro C — Google review

(Translated by Google) Partial review as it relates only to the outdoor swimming pool service. Large and well-kept structure, 3 large swimming pools, a refreshment point and 2 bars, one of which is accessible directly from inside one of the swimming pools. Attention for the little ones with a large area created in one of the swimming pools and suitable flooring. The only negative note is the lack of attention to celiac or intolerant people in the bars and at the refreshment point. Overall sufficient.(Original)Recensione parziale poiché relativa al solo servizio di piscina esterna. Struttura ampia e curata, 3 grandi piscine, un punto ristoro e 2 bar, uno dei quali accessibile direttamente dall'interno di una delle piscine. Attenzione per i più piccoli con ampia area ricavata in una delle piscine e pavimentazione idonea. Unica nota negativa è la scarsa attenzione a celiaci o intolleranti nei bar ed al punto ristoro. Nel complesso sufficiente.

Gianfranco R — Google review

(Translated by Google) Overcrowded facility and dirty water with lots of dirty debris at the bottom, but the most shameful episode was when we were approached by a shady individual accompanied by "Security" because he had mistaken a person from our group for someone with whom he had had an alleged scuffle, now I ask myself, but does security do its "security" job or does it accompany ignorant emeritus men to threaten peaceful people? We probably havetwo different visions of "security".The only note of merit I give to the reception staff.(Original)Struttura sovraffollata e acqua sporca con tanti detriti di sporcizia sul fondo, ma l’episodio più vergognoso è stato quando siamo stati avvicinati da un losco individuo accompagnato dalla “Security” poiché aveva scambiato una persona del nostro gruppo per qualcuno con cui aveva avuto una presunta colluttazione , ora mi chiedo io, ma la sicurezza fa il suo lavoro di “sicurezza” o accompagna degli emeriti ignoranti a minacciare delle pacifiche persone? Probabilmente abbiamodue visione diverse di “sicurezza”.L’unica nota di merito la faccio allo staff dell’accoglienza.

Aldo I — Google review

(Translated by Google) I signed up my son for the Kinder under 12 tournament. I arrived today March 6th, from Molise, punctually at 5.30pm game time. I went together with the parent of the opposing child from Basilicata and together with our two minor children on pitch 6, uncovered, made of synthetic grass. The weather was very bad and it started raining again. While the children were bathing we were told by the referee to wait for it to rain. Meanwhile we noticed that the pitch was in very bad conditions because it was very wet and even had mud. It certainly wouldn't have dried out even if it had stopped raining because it was now evening. Having taken note of the bad weather conditions, the bad conditions of the pitch, I decided in mutual agreement with Mr Acconcia, to protect the health of our children and to protect them from probable injuries, to ask the referee to play on an indoor pitch also at the end of the last meetings scheduled for 5.30pm. We were answered with a firm no. In the interest of our children we have asked to be able to play the match in a nearby indoor field/club, at our expense. We were answered with a firm no. We had to make the hard decision to leave and return home, traveling about 1 and a half hours, facing the desperation of our children. But the most serious thing was hearing the referee address the children telling them to change sports because tennis is not for them!!!!! I will report the incident to FITPA.. I will advise against anyone who wants to participate in a tennis tournament in this facility.(Original)Ho iscritto mio figlio al torneo kinder under 12. Sono arrivato oggi 6 marzo, dal molise, puntuale alle 17 30 orario di gioco. Mi sono recato insieme al genitore del bambino avversario proveniente dalla Basilicata ed insieme ai nostri due figli minorenni sul campo 6 , scoperto, in erbetta sintetica. Il tempo era molto brutto ed iniziava a piovere di nuovo. Mentre i bambini si bagnavano ci veniva detto dal giudice arbitro di aspettare che spiovesse. Intanto abbiamo notato che il campo era in pessime condizioni perche’ molto bagnato ed addirittura con presenza di fango. Non si sarebbe certo asciugato anche se avesse smesso di piovere perche ormai era sera. Preso atto delle cattive condizioni atmosferiche, delle cattive condizioni del campo, decidevo di comune accordo con il sig acconcia, per tutelare la salute dei nostri figli e per metterli al riparo da probabili infortuni, di chiedere al giudice arbitro di giocare in un campo al coperto anche in coda agli ultimi incontri in programma per le 17 :30. Ci veniva risposto con un secco no. Nell’interesse dei nostri figli abbiamo chiesto di potere disputare l’incontro in un campo/ circolo limitrofo al coperto, a nostre spese. Ci veniva risposto con un secco no. Abbiamo dovuto prendere la dura decisione di andare via e tornare a casa percorrendo circa 1 ora e mezzo di viaggio, affrontando la disperazione dei nostri figli. Ma la cosa piu grave è stata sentire il giudice arbitro rivolgersi ai bambini dicendo di cambiare sport perché il tennis non fa per loro!!!!! Segnalerò l’accaduto alla FITPA .. sconsiglierò chiunque voglia partecipare ad un torneo tennis in questa struttura.

Ennio — Google review

(Translated by Google) Beautiful day of total sun and relaxation, a stone's throw from the city.A bit of a queue at the entrance, a wait of around 30 minutes, but otherwise perfect organisation, from safety, guaranteed by the numerous lifeguards present, to the hygiene of the bathrooms and showers, permanent presence of the cleaning staff. The guys at the bar are good and friendly, where there is a good choice of food and drinks with prices that are all in all honest.So in summary I highly recommend going to the Country to find a bit of relaxation without necessarily traveling an hour or more by car.However, the advice is to arrive at the structure no later than 9.00, especially on weekends in July and August, because even if managed well, the turnout is high.(Original)Bellissima giornata di totale sole e relax, a due passi dalla città.Un po' di fila all'ingresso, attesa di circa 30 minuti, ma per il resto organizzazione perfetta, dalla sicurezza, garantita dai numerosi bagnini presenti, all'igiene dei bagni e doccie, presenza fissa dello staff addetto alle pulizie. Bravi e simpatici i ragazzi del bar, dove vi é un buona scelte tra cibi e bevande con prezzi tutto sommato onesti.Quindi riassumendo consiglio vivamente di recarvi al Country per trovare un po' di relax senza per forza fare un'ora e più di auto.Il consiglio però é quello di arrivare, soprattutto i fine settimana di Luglio ed Agosto, alla struttura non più tardi delle 9.00, perché se pur gestito bene l'affluenza é tanta.

Andrea B — Google review

(Translated by Google) I found a lot of rudeness at the reception. Given the impossibility of continuing to attend the neonatal aquatics lesson on Wednesday, I had asked for a change to Saturday, I was told that it was impossible to change with a lot of rudeness among other things. To then discover during the course that some children had managed to be moved, we see that it is based on "knowledge" to join the course on Saturday which is absurd for a structure given that it should give priority to children who already attend the course been running for the longest time.(Original)Ho trovato molta maleducazione alla reception. Data l'impossibilità di continuare a frequentare il mercoledì la lezione di acquaticità neonatale avevo chiesto un cambio al sabato, mi è stato detto che fosse impossibile cambiare con molta maleducazione tra l'altro. Per poi scoprire al corso che alcuni bimbi erano riusciti a farsi spostare, si vede che si va in base a "conoscenza " per entrare a far parte del corso il sabato cosa assurda per una struttura dato che dovrebbe dare precedenza ai bimbi che già frequentano il corso da più tempo.

A A — Google review


(562)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (129)


(306)36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (130)

Contrada Valle Santa Caterina, 83100 Avellino AV, Italy

+39 0825 39641

36 Best Stops Between Diamante and Salerno (2024)
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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Views: 5561

Rating: 4 / 5 (41 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

Address: 8381 Boyce Course, Imeldachester, ND 74681

Phone: +3571286597580

Job: Product Banking Analyst

Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.